The Startling Return of Sgt. Shark.

from Scary Tales #34 (Sept. 1982)
1. The “ferocious fins” in the first panel…is that an exclamation, or is Sgt. Shark just describing what he’s seeing?
2. By what mechanism does the Shark Tooth pendant lend “strength” to Sgt. Shark? Is there some kind of transfer of mystical energy, or is it some placebo effect, making Sgt. Shark think he’s stronger simply because he’s wearing it?
3. “I hope I wasn’t too late” to save the girl from the shark attack, he says. So long as he’s carrying more than just the half of her body we can see, hopefully she’s fine.
4. Okay, dude, you just saved her from a shark attack. Is now the time to do the hard-sell on your magical Shark Tooth necklace thingie?
5. I don’t even want to know what’s going on in silhouette in that last panel.
(as seen previously)