Look, you’re gonna need something to read while you’re stuck at home, right?
So…business continues to be within normal averages. Monday was slow, aside from a sizable purchase, but Mondays are generally slower days anyway. Plus, it was pouring rain most of the day and that historically keeps people from wanting to go out and buy items made of paper. And Tuesday’s sales were pretty typical for a Tuesday.
The real test will be how my Wednesday sales go. I did get my comic shipment on time on Tuesday, with an emailed message from Diamond informing retailers that we were permitted to sell the new product upon receipt, rather than waiting for the usual on-sale date. On top of that, there have been some notices from publishers regarding retail support in the form of full returnability for titles during certain ship weeks. I also spoke to a distributor rep about direct assistance regarding the impact of current events on invoice payments and such, and was told that Diamond is working with retailers to, well, keep them in business.
As it stands right now, barring enforced closure of all businesses and a stay-at-home order, it’s possible I’ll still be able to generate some income. Folks are still out and about, so I’m getting some walk-ins, and I’m seeing a number of phone orders/internet sales as well. No idea if that’ll last or not, but it is a slight relief that I have the option of working something out with Diamond if things really go south. Hopefully the landlord will be equally willing to work with me…as well as the various doctors also expecting payments. Sigh.
So yes, I’ll be open for business regular hours until further notice. Most of the other shops ‘n’ such in my particular strip of businesses have either reduced their services (restaurants all pretty much just doing take out), closed up entirely (noooo, not the massage parlor), or at the very least have encouraged “curbside assistance” (the veterinarian asking folks to bring their pets to the door and knock, rather than coming into the waiting room). So hey my Wednesday customers, there’s plenty of parking!
With any luck I can ride this out…it may be tight, it may be ugly, but I’m thinking I can probably make it. I hope. I mean, I gotta…too many people depending on me to get them Bad Idea comics.
Wishing you all the best during this time.