Don’t worry, there’s more retailin’ talk after the pog talk.

§ February 13th, 2013 § Filed under blogging about blogging is a sin, pogs, retailing § 5 Comments

A small reminder: I’m about to wind down the daily posting over at, the Internet’s #1 source for watching a middle-aged man slowly drive himself crazy wallowing in some fad from a couple decades ago. I don’t know if we’ve learned anything, but one thing’s for sure: we certainly got to see a lot of large scans of pogs.

Anyway, I originally intended to go into that site with a finish line in mind, and that finish line was always meant to be six months after I started. I figure that’s probably enough. It’s not grinding to a complete halt…I’d like to keep the option open for featuring any more future oddball cap discoveries from this collection, so there will probably still be a new entry every now and again. But, as of February 15th, the daily posts there are done.

If you followed that site, I appreciate it! Also…why? Are you nuts?

In other news: it’s time for me to start going through Previews for actual business-related reasons instead of End of Civilization reasons, and put together the monthly comics order. So basically, take this post and multiply it by several thousand items. Not every comic requires that much hemming and / or hawing over the numbers, of course. I have sales histories for many titles, and I can easily base orders on those, noting any increases or decreases and adjusting accordingly

And then of course there are the comics that never change sales levels, ever, no matter what the publisher does, what gimmicks they try, etc. For example, sales on one particular long-running-through-a-variety-of-publishers property have been pretty much unchanged for some time now. Don’t go up, don’t go down, don’t do nothin’ but sell the same number of copies every month. But when a second series featuring this same property was solicited, I thought the variety of different covers, plus the fact that it’s a new first issue of this once very popular character, might encourage additional pick-ups. And, when the comic came out…hey, we sold more copies of a comic based on this specific property than we normally have of late! …Then I realized that one of our regular customers who usually bought the other series bought one copy each of most of the variants of this new #1, so while we technically did increase sales of individual copies, we didn’t increase the number of actual customers for it. So while it was a good thing for me to bump up orders like I did, it didn’t actually bump up readership, but that’s okay. Not everything works like I planned…and I did sell more comics, so I guess I shouldn’t complain.

History (well, really recent history, as the story in the previous paragraph wasn’t from that long ago) is sort of repeating itself this week, with the release of this new Ghostbusters comic from IDW. IDW’s previous Ghostbusters comics started off…okay, saleswise, but have slowed down a bit for us. I’m taking a bit of a chance on this new series, having bumped orders up a wee bit over what I normally sell on Ghostbusters, since I think the comic looks like fun, the covers stand out, and my plan was (which I in fact implemented last night as I was setting up the racks) to display each cover separately, rather than shoving them all together into a single shelf space, which should garner a little extra attention. I may just sell more of the first issue, and maybe we’ll be back to regular Ghostbusters sales levels with the second, but there would be no chance of increasing sales on #2 if I don’t have the #1s for people to try out right now.

Maybe it’s good money after bad, I don’t know, but it doesn’t hurt to give it a try. Ghostbusters is a known property that people generally like, and with a bit of sales strategy combined with a comic that looks a little more appealing than the previous GB attempts from IDW, maybe I’ll sell a few more copies. Worth a shot.

Now if they could somehow bring back the Slimer solo title, then IDW would be cookin’ with gas!

5 Responses to “Don’t worry, there’s more retailin’ talk after the pog talk.”

  • Roger Green says:

    What do you think of the Orson Card boycott of some Superman title? How will that affect your order, if at all?

  • IT says:

    Aw, pogs were fun. It was like looking into a time portal. I remember playing it (at the prompting of a ‘friend’) and it being… okay?

  • Funkula says:

    Yeah, the plogging was a fun trip down memory lane for me. I collected the things for about a year (I guess?) and had pretty much forgotten them. It was funny to look back on them and see what transparently money-grubbing exemplars of subpar graphic design they actually were. I think the entertainment value of just posting them for us to marvel at has been about exhausted though. What we really need are pog anecdotes, from someone who retailed them (hint hint).

  • Mikester says:

    Roger – Honestly, I don’t know. I think I’m going the “ordering for the pull customers only” route, and not promoting the thing at all.

    Funkula – You’re right, I probably should have posted more about pog-retailing. Well, like I said, the site’s not dead yet, just scaled back a bit, so maybe I can still do something with that in the future!

  • Snark Shark says:

    “Are you nuts?”

    Ask my shrink!

    “Now if they could somehow bring back the Slimer solo title, then IDW would be cookin’ with gas!”

    Because Slimer is very, very gassy!