Then again…KOREA.

§ March 12th, 2012 § Filed under what is it good for § 9 Comments

So “Then…KOREA” took the nerdinet…well, not so much by “storm” as “a light spring drizzle,” but a few folks were amused by it, and that’s good enough for me. Pal Dorian featured it in one of his always-wonderful “Flop” posts, Greg went a little nuts with it in one of his weekly comics review columns, and even a Korean-themed podcast picked up on it. And a reader with the intriguing handle of “Interstate Shogun” gave me the should-have-thought-of-it-myself idea of putting it at the end of this series of panels.

I also had a couple of them come in by email:

Reader Daniel contributes this, inspired by a recent “Funkywatch” column by Chris Sims:

And then reader Mike B. unleashed this nightmarish vision (an idea also also touched upon by reader Dwayne):

Thanks to you folks for participating in this silly thing. I’ll probably give “Then…KOREA” a rest here for a while, since I don’t want to burn everyone out on it, but before I put it away:

…okay, now I’m done.

9 Responses to “Then again…KOREA.”