Well, here we go.
I’m all WordPressed up here now, as some of you may have noticed. Some problems immediately come to mind, such as all my old permalinks are now busted, so even my link back to a previous post in yesterday’s entry doesn’t work. Ah, well. And you may need to resubscribe to the RSS feed, which you can do by clicking that “syndicate” button up there in the upper right hand corner.
Still haven’t looked into reinstalling the old comments system, since I don’t want to lose all those, but maybe there just comes a point where you have to let things go, man, and start afresh. But I don’t want to lose some of the great comments from the last couple of days, for sure, so I’ll probably get around to reposting those on their related entries.
A major cosmetic change is that the banner submission thing I used to do here is now on hiatus. I do need to change that default image, but I don’t expect I’ll be rotating it on a weekly basis any more. I still have my sidebar icon pics, though! The archive is still using the old template, but eventually I’ll fix that. (And maybe someday I’ll finally get that archive of old banners up.)
Links: I still have the list o’links from the old site, but I’m not going to overload the main page with them. I put a few in the sidebar, just to see how it looks, but I think I’m going to create a separate page for the rest of the links.
So anyway, I’m not done fiddling with the page just yet, so please excuse our dust while we’re under construction.
I always wanted to use one of those graphics.
But seriously, thank you for your patience while I try to get settled, here. We’ll be back to talkin’ about comics and pictures of Sluggo in no time.
That is a cute graphic.
Good look on the transition and re-design, Mike, and hopefully this will do little to hinder Mr. Sluggo Smith’s weekly ubiquiti (I keep wondering if you’ll ever do a “Aunt Fritzi Friday,” though).
Argh, no, it’s all different! I FEAR CHANGE!
But in all seriousness, glad to see you’ve made the switch succesfully.
Oh god! Searing pain in my retinas! The glare… too bright!
It’s a comic book blog so it needs to be a dim and dank as a comic book store. And if you can find a way to replicate the smell at my desk that would be great too…
Love the pretty flowers in your new logo. Keep up the hard work. Glad to see you made the jump to WordPress.
Oh, have you seen this, Mike? http://coveredblog.blogspot.com/2010/01/jimmy-giegerich-covers-swamp-thing-98.html
Jimmy Giegerich re-does the cover to Swamp Thing 98.
Congrats, good luck, and all that.
Um, isn’t the apostrophe in your title backwards/upside down? What’s up with that?
Good job getting the site back up! My 2 cents: I know your comments are very important to some people but man, don’t have any more sleepless nights about it. If I read the Blogger update correctly your old site will still be accessible, right? Just put a link back to it so anyone who wants to look up their old comments about Sluggo Saturday can do so. Maybe one day you’ll be able to port over the comments, maybe not.
It’s a bright new day for Progressive Ruin!
Oooo. Pretty… Walk into the light Carol Ann.
The whiteness of your site will burn my retinas every morning from now on! Soon we will have progressive ruin the social networking site so we can compare Swampthing embroidered doilies!
Congratulations on making the transition, Mike! I know it’s something you’ve been wanting to do for some time. Speaking from my experience, it can be a bit liberating to leave behind some of the old stuff. I do hope the “look” returns to something that approximates the old ProgRuin. That was classic.
I am sure you will be working on fixing links on a prodigious number of your entries, because that is the sort of thing that bothers folks like us. Good luck getting things back to “normal”. :)
While I STILL miss your original banner, (it just had that post-apocalypse progressively ruined nature feel), I can deal with another change as long as I have my little yellow pill. But you have to get the 1969 thing going. I MUST KNOW what you have done since 1969.
Welcome to WordPress. It’s a pretty good environment. Man, this is one bright theme. What would Swamp Thing think?
I guess it’s time for me to update your link on my WordPress’ blog-roll thingy.
Looking good.
Any plans to expand the blogroll to something approaching its former glory?
We need to cheer Mike up. He’s all wordpressed.
[…] you guys had some comments on the redesign from yesterday, so let me respond to a […]
Congrats on the move.
I know you’ve been thinking about it for eons.
Now, hurry up and make it exactly like the old site before I go all foetal-position.
Do you think you could add a way to navigate from post to post? If I miss a bunch I hate having to scroll up to read them all.
I’m Chalk!
[…] let us not forget, this was the year of the Great WordPress Transition, where I finally moved from the Blogger software platform and ended up breaking my entire site. […]