Must be something in the air…

§ October 11th, 2009 § Filed under Uncategorized § 3 Comments

…or, rather, swamp thing in the air, amirite gang? — because on the same day Employee Aaron gifted me with this drawing of me as MODOK, pal Tom Foxmarnick popped by the shop and gave me this:

And before you start trying, Chris Sims already came up with “Sentient Weaponized Amorphous Man-Plant Designed Only for Killing.”

Some of you readers out there may remember Tom as the fellow who let me borrow his copies of the Kubert School ‘zines he and his classmates (including Steve Bissette and Rick Veitch) put together. Plus, Tom has his Deviantart page featuring other samples of his fine work, so I recommend you check that out. Tom’s also contributed to a couple of Bissette’s Taboo anthologies and the Joe Lansdale horror anthology Weird Business, had a long stint on CARtoons Magazine, and has had a long career as an animator. And, most importantly, he’s drawn all our store’s business cards over the years.

Thanks, Tom, for the fantastic drawing…that was most kind of you. And thanks for letting me share it here on my site, so everyone else can enjoy it as well.

I mentioned this to Tom at the time, but I think the bit that amuses me the most is how SWAMPDOK’s little pinkie toes stick out:

…though the tree trunk gag is great, too. Weren’t people joking a while back about how the “rocket blast” on this MODOK figure looked like a tree? Wheels within nerd wheels, my friends.

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