“Thus it is the spine which must first change.”
So some of you may remember Kid Chris’ drawing of me standing in front of a comic rack…said rack holding real titles and titles that existed only within the Kid’s fevered brow.
Well, my friends, one title has made the transition from fantasy to reality thanks to longtime customer Gary. And I do mean longtime, as in a customer…or rather, patron…of mine from my pre-comics retailer days as a librarian. Anyway, Gary was taken with the concept implied by the title Frog by Day, and, well, check this out:

I was given a printed copy and files on disk of this, the very first, and likely only, issue of Frog by Day, and he gave me permission to share it with all of you. It’s beautifully peculiar, and I hope you all enjoy it as much we did here at the shop. Watch for cameos by other titles from Kid Chris’ comic rack.
Click the thumbs for larger, froggier images, my friends:

[…] in response to this post, Customer Gary (he of Frog by Day and Atomelephant and Elastiquito fame, has generated yet more amusing bits of […]
[…] quickie sketch in yesterday’s post, longtime customer Gary (creator of the infamous Frog by Day comic) generated a more fully-rendered version for the delight and amazement of all. I mean, damn, look […]