I still have my copy of the original.

§ December 11th, 2024 § Filed under mad magazine § 2 Comments

So the new issue of the still-going-despite-reports-of-death MAD Magazine has this as its back cover:

Which is a good gag, playing off of this infamous cover from 1974:

When this cover hit the stands 50 years ago, the stands hit back, resulting in copies being returned and apologies made, though decades later, if I recall correctly, original copies were given away to new subscribers for a time.

It’s too bad this new iteration wasn’t the front cover of the new issue, but if they couldn’t get away with it back then, it seems unlikely they could get away with even this altered version now. It’s a good gag landing a solid blow on A.I. in arts, which you and I know is a problem but perhaps Johnny Q. Public could use a reminder.

2 Responses to “I still have my copy of the original.”

  • Wayne Allen Sallee says:

    The store I worked at, we had a complete run through whatever issues came out in 1991. We were selling them as a lot, no buyers. But this one guy kept coming in, hoping to buy just one book in the middle of the run.

    Had to keep telling him no, but he kept trying.

  • Thom H. says:

    To complete the AI nightmare, the fingers should have other little fingers coming out of them.

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