Making a…some kind of leap in collecting, not quite sure, it’ll come to me.

§ January 30th, 2023 § Filed under from the vast Mikester comic archives, indies § 2 Comments

So anyway, I was bugging pal Nat about finding a copy of Quantum Creep #1 from Parody Press, featuring an early script job by him, and having him autograph it for me. Then Sunday he surprises me with a fresh copy from his own stock personalized just for me! Sometimes I’m luckier than I deserve.

In case this isn’t obvious, Quantum Creep is a parody of the sci-fi TV show Quantum Leap (which has a currently-running reboot/relaunch which is quite enjoyable, by the way). Hopefully this isn’t telling tales out of school, but Nat told me that he and his partner on the book, Ted Slampyak, were presented with that cover (painted by Thad Rhodes III) and tasked with writing a spoof of the show around it.

I haven’t yet had a chance to properly read it yet, but a quick glance through the book show it’s appealingly cartooned, and I’ve spotted a few good gags…it’s written by Nat, after all, and I know he’s funny and clever. And now that I have this comic, I’ll need to complete my collection of Nat’s Parody Press books, of which there seem to be quite a few listed in this book’s editorial page. And some of those I’ve never even heard of before, surprisingly, so this will be quite the education!

2 Responses to “Making a…some kind of leap in collecting, not quite sure, it’ll come to me.”

  • adam says:

    Love a bit of Slampyak. Picked up a Mister Hero tpb for cheap a little while ago and really enjoyed reminiscing about buying them off the newsstand back in the day. Not someone you hear about a lot these days.

  • Snark Shark says:

    Someone on youtube reviewed that comic everal months back! she covers pop culture/TV/movie stuff, and loves Quantum Leap!