Start off your week with a cute Swamp Thing.
So that’s my little Swamp Thingie, gifted to me by pal Dorian. Neat, huh? Just a few inches tall, and I took that picture after I closed Sunday night and had turned some of the lights off, but it makes it good ‘n’ moody. Thanks, Dor!
As I noted last week, I have some early morning appointments throughout the week, so my blogging will be pretty slim again for a few days. Hopefully this is the end of it for a while, unless things go horribly wrong. I’ll be back Friday with more stuff. Thanks for reading, pals, and I’ll be back soon!
He’s so cool! Would make a cool chess piece. Hope everything is okay with ya. Take care, Mike!
Which would Mike like best, a chess set where Cranius was one of the main pieces or all the pawns of one side were Cranius?