Fun flies when you’re having time.
yet another artifact from the Previous Place of Employment (if you missed it, I posted one on Wednesday): the Ralph’s Comic Corner clock!
Gifted to the shop by a customer (and alas, which customer I can’t remember), the image for the clock’s face was blown up from a business card and colorized. (The drawing, like nearly all drawings done for the store’s business cards, fliers, signs and such, was by cartoonist/animator Tom Foxmarnick).
As a nod to the ol’ role playing game part of the business, please note that the clock’s numbers are made up of teeny-tiny dice:
When Ralph brought it to me, he wasn’t sure if the clock still worked, as he replaced the battery in the back and no tempus fugited. However, I am happy to report that I had a fresh new battery at home, and once placed in the clock, the hands once again started ticking off the remaining seconds of our fleeting lives. Hooray!
In other news, comments have been left on the posts from earlier in the week, and I’m not ignoring them! I will respond to those that need responses sometime next week. Thanks for reading, and commenting!
Some of the dice must be missing, and the fact that 1 o’clock can’t use two dice is extremely upsetting.
I’m having a flashback! I am happy you’re now the curator of this piece of history. Much love.
Please tell me that you’ve set aside a corner of Sterling Silver Comics and named it “Ralph’s Comic Corner” where you feature old indy comics from the 70s & 80s!
Comic shops are so different now than they were back in the day. It’s nice to see remnants of the era when things were a little more handmade and personalized.