Site’s on hold for just a bit.
Had another eyeball incident over the weekend…not a huge one this time, but enough to blur out the vision in my good eye. So, if you showed up today waiting for the next installment in my variant cover-age, I apologize…it’ll be up next week. I’ll try to be back to updating here by the end of the week. Thanks for reading, pals, and we’ll talk soon.
Good luck with the variant eyeballs, Mike!
Mike, best of luck with the eye stuff… I can’t imagine how frustrating it must be for you. Here’s hoping for some kind of positive resolution that sticks!
Be well, Mike!
— MrJM
Hope you get yer peepers sorted soon!
By the Emerald Eye of Ekron, I hope you have a speedy, and lasting, recovery!
Good luck and listen to your doctor, Mike!!
My mother has had issues over the last few years and she’s been pulling thru just fine.
Wishing you well, Mike. And fer cryin’ out loud, stop looking at all those foil-enhanced, chromium, prismatic, individually-numbered variant covers. Especially the ones with bullet holes!
Feel better, Mike! Keep up a positive attitude and don’t sweat the small stuff.
Hope you get some rest and feel better soon, Mike!
Usually I say a prayer and light a candle for people, but with the temperature hitting 116 here today, I will merely glance at an unlit candle on your behalf. Still saying a prayer for y’all…
Get well soon Mike.
Hang in there Mike! Bionic eyeballs have to be coming soon!
Hope you heal quickly!