You do have a Swamp Thing collection, right? RIGHT?

§ August 27th, 2019 § Filed under swamp thing, this week's comics § 9 Comments

The only comic of note to be released this week is, of course, the House of Secrets #92 Facsimile Edition, reprinting the first appearance of the story “It’s Better to Give” illustrated by Alan Weiss and Tony DeZuniga, and written by Mary Skrenes under the pen name of “Virgil North.” Oh, the first Swamp Thing story is in it, too.

Anyway, someday I need to update this list I made in 2006 (eep) of all the reprints of House of Secrets #92 that I own, as I’ve picked up a few since then (including the very one pictured above). I laugh, laugh I tell you, at the concluding thought in that long-ago blog post that a mere eight copies of this issue were enough. Such is the folly of youth.

Also please note this reprint does contain the updated coloring for Swamp Thing’s eyes, making them the dark red we’re accustomed to, versus the whitish eyes of the original printing. A dealbreaker for some, I know.

Aside from that hideously untenable change, this is a nice looking reissue of this classic comic. Like Marvel’s line of facsimiles, it contains all the stories and ads and letter columns and other editorial content of the original, but on slightly better paper and with a UPC code and new improved pricing on the front cover. If you can’t get your hands on the original, or one of the dozen of more other reprints like someone you may know who’s been writing a blog for over fifteen years has, this will make a nice addition to your Swamp Thing collection.

DC borrows from Marvel, so does Marvel borrow from DC, and so has it always been and always shall be. And as what usually happens, one company sees another have a success with something, whoever’s in charge has their eyeballs pop out of their heads with little dollar signs forming at the end, and suddenly Company B is doing exactly what Company A did. And in this case, it’s the “#1000” issues DC recently published to great success for Action Comics and Detective Comics, both of which made it to that lofty peak one issue at a time, once a month (or eight times a year, or biweekly, or, hell, even weekly for a while) since their beginnings in the late 1930s.

Now Marvel doesn’t have anything really close to that at the moment…well, some things are approaching that number, but not for a while yet, and anyway Marvel’s still sticking to hiding the actual overall issue number to a series beneath their favored low issue number stemming from whatever was the most recent relaunch. Like, this week’s Amazing Spider-Man has a big ol’ “29” as its primary issue number, but beneath in smaller print it has “829,” indicating that this is in fact the 829thh issue in the series that began with that #1 by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko so long ago.

Now frankly I wish they’d just pick a number and stick to it…when Marvel briefly went back to “original” (or approximate, anyway) numbering on a bunch of their titles for their “Marvel Legacy” effort, that actually seemed to goose sales a little, particularly on some of the second-string titles that could have used the sales help. Don’t know if was just a coincidence, or if customers had a little more confidence that maybe there’d be some consistency to what they’re following, and it wouldn’t be relaunched soon with a new #1 just because it’s a Brand New Creative Team or something.

Marvel Comics #1000, I believe the conceit is, is based on the idea that if the original Marvel Comics #1 from 1939 (the one with the first appearance of the Human Torch) had continued publishing, it’d be at about #1000 right now. Or maybe that’s just my interpretation of things, and besides we all know Marvel would have relaunched it with a new #1 a dozen times by now, lest they unleash the curse or whatever.

The cover I have pictured here (shameless stolen from one of the many, many eBay listings since 1) I didn’t scan the copy I got at the shop, and 2) Diamond has no image of it on their retailer site) is the “Rare” One Per Store variant, showing what I think might be the first official comic book (well, comic book cover) crossover between Marvel characters and the hometeam characters of their Disney masters. I don’t know for sure, since Marvel ain’t shy about cranking out variants and I’m sure I haven’t seen them all.

And boy oh boy I was sorely tempted. I actually like that image, quite a bit, and it’s not like I haven’t used the ol’ executive privilege to keep a variant for myself, but…well, I mentioned the eBays earlier, and this was a pretty might total on my invoice this week, so I think I’ll give it up for the sake of the bottom line rather than my collection. OH THE SACRIFICES I MAKE.

Oh, hey, big ol’ article on Dreadstar. I do loves me the Dreadstar. Let me just add this to the previous issues of Back Issue with content I want to read but still haven’t yet because of my ongoing eye issues. I’m sure it’ll make me wish Dreadstar was still a thing again, but that’s the risk I’ll just have to take.

9 Responses to “You do have a Swamp Thing collection, right? RIGHT?”

  • Billy says:

    If someone were to buy a copy of that House of Secrets reprint from you, and promptly asked you to destroy it by signing the cover “Swampy’s #1 Pal, Mike Sterling” what would that cost with shipping?

    Asking for a friend.


  • Jer says:

    DC borrows from Marvel, so does Marvel borrow from DC, and so has it always been and always shall be.

    With that line and that cover I thought I had missed an announcement that Marvel was going to be publishing Marvel/Disney crossovers the same way that DC published those DC/Hanna-Barbera or DC/Looney Tunes crossovers. And I wondered if we’d passed through the looking glass to a world where Disney was now willing to do stuff like that with their characters…

  • Thelonious_Nick says:

    I rather like Marvel’s method now of putting both the legacy and the current volume numbering on the cover. Very logical, makes it easier and surer to file away. I wish they’d been doing it all along.

    Does bring up some questions with something like, say, the Immortal Hulk, which doesn’t share a title with the legacy series, but then again I guess that just indicates which title Marvel considers to be continuing the main thread.

  • Turan, Emissary of the Fly World says:

    Given that this first Swamp Thing story doesn’t quite fit in with the series that followed, I prefer to think of it as being about the Earth-2 Swamp Thing. I also prefer to think that this one is all Alec Holland.

    The only Marvel/Disney crossover I want to see is a teaming of Nick Fury and Dr. Director. Well, I suppose I would not mind if the forthcoming WHAT IF? TV series has an episode on “What if…Phineas and Ferb had accepted the offer of an internship at Stark Industries?”

  • Turan, Emissary of the Fly World says:

    It just occurred to me that, if a Nick Fury/Dr. Director team-up did occur any time soon, it would probably have to be in comics, not on TV. The actress who plays the good doctor may be available for awhile…

  • Turan, Emissary of the Fly World says:

    I am belatedly moved to add that, if one is wishing for meetings of Marvel and Disney spies, then one might as well also hope to see Maria Hill of S.H.I.E.L.D. team up with Lyla Lolliberry of C.O.W.C.A. (the Canadian Organization Without a Cool Acronym).

  • Michael Grabowski says:

    I’m pretty sure there was a Phineas & Ferb Meet the Marvel Superheroes video released a coupla years ago.

  • Turan, Emissary of the Fly World says:

    Yes, I referred to it in my first post (that is where Tony Stark offered the boys an internship).

  • Brad Walker says:

    It’s not Marvel-meets-Disney, but did anyone else think the recent “Ziggy Pig and Silly Seal go to Latveria” travesty came out in response to those “DC meets Looney Tunes/Hanna Barbera” issues?

    I mean, would Disney let Donald Duck get away with a line like, “Don’t go in the bathroom! The floor there is half tile, half vomit!”