Okay, the “this week’s comics” category is misleading…look, I’m still way behind.

§ October 4th, 2018 § Filed under this week's comics § 7 Comments

DC’s latest Big Event Title is Heroes in Crisis, putting lie to the title of DC’s Final Crisis from a few years back. And as this sort of thing goes…well, first off, it’s surprising the first issue was only $3.99, in this brave new world of throwing $4.99 and up on the first issues of special events like this. (CUT TO three years later: “why couldn’t have this just been $4.99, instead of this new $7.99 price point they keep trying to push on us?”)

Anyway, there’s a place called Sanctuary where heroes go to recoup from personal difficulties and other issues, only someone’s broken the peace there and now there are piles of temprarily dead superheroes everywhere. I say “temporarily” because, well, you’ve read superhero comics before, if someone needs any of these guys for future comics, they’ll be back. Plus there are a couple of “deaths” that are 100% red herrings and will be undone over the course of the series.

It’s all pretty somber going, though the interaction between Booster Gold and Harley Quinn, a pairing one wouldn’t expect, is lively enough. Though, you know, still grim. This isn’t helping DC’s reputation amongst the fandom cognescenti, I’d imagine, but we’re still only on the first issue and in “set-up” mode…we’ll see where things go from here. Probably not going to turn out to be a laugh-fest, np. but I can see this heading in interesting directions.

Pictured above is the variant cover, and future variant covers will feature similar images of turning, or “crisis” if you will, points in characters’s lives. “Death of Superman” got me, because, well, you know. Another customer bought it because it had his birthdate on the cover…don’t know if he meant “Nov. 18th” or “July 17th” or possibly both, if it were perhaps an especially long labor.

I also saw comments here and there about Superman being way out of character in this, acting rather cold in his response as flies through the area and counts off the bodies. This didn’t bother me so much…I could read this as Superman waiting to mourn later, while focusing on getting this unpleasant job done now. Less agreeable was the bit where he couldn’t remember that one minor hero, which…c’mon, Superman remembers everybody.

7 Responses to “Okay, the “this week’s comics” category is misleading…look, I’m still way behind.”

  • Thom H. says:

    I was looking forward to this book, and felt a little let down by the first issue. With all the hype around it from DC, I was expecting more than general set-up. The set-up was in the ads and the multiple news stories, so we already knew it.

    I suppose someone reading it years from now in trade wouldn’t have that same benefit, though, so fair enough. Also, it’s Tom King, so we should expect both a) slow, deliberate story progress and b) some heavy, emotional content. So I guess I just argued myself out of that position. I expect more movement on the story front next issue, though.

    And I don’t agree that Superman was out of character. His inability to remember that minor hero’s catch phrase read more like Superman being overwhelmed with feeling, at least to me. He also couldn’t bring himself to say one major character’s first name and had to use code names instead — to distance himself from his feelings. Right after that, he put his face in his hand and was briefly consoled by Wonder Woman. So he seemed pretty broken up about the situation, which makes sense coming from him.

    It’s all right there in the art, which was fantastic. Clay Mann just keeps getting better in my opinion. And I’m always down for a Ryan Sook cover, so I’ll be picking up his variants if there are more coming.

  • Chris Gumprich says:

    I for one am looking forward to 2023’s breakout hit FUCK IT, LET’S HAVE ANOTHER CRISIS.

  • Andrew-TLA says:

    The question now before us is, in the worst case scenario does this go down as another Identity Crisis or another Cry for Justice. And which fate would be worse?

    I’ve announced elsewhere that I’m guessing Durlans are behind this (making it Secret Invasion as well). My “logic”–such as it is–is that only a shapeshifter could get the drop on a speedster like that.

  • For what it’s worth, I agree with Thom H. about Superman in this book. It came off to me that he was shocked and stunned by what he was seeing and trying to keep it under control. Thought that was one of the best aspects of the book, IMHO.

  • Rob Staeger says:

    I’m with Thom and Bill about Superman’s characterization. He’s shaken by this, and that’s why he couldn’t remember Hot Spot’s catchphrase. He also couldn’t remember the word “catchphrase,” IIRC.

  • Mikester says:

    I can’t believe you’re all ganging up on me like this.

    …But seriously, yeah, I see your point.

  • philfromgermany says:

    Doesn’t Superman have Supermemory anymore? I also felt like that moment was a bit “unrealistic” in this comic book full of flying aliens.
    The art was great but I felt a bit let down on the whole. Too much time was given to two characters I’m not invested in, having overdosed on Harley since the New 52. All in all there was just not enough ‘meat’ there, even though there were some emotional moments reminiscent of the good ol’ Starman #38. Poor Blue Jay. Also Wally, come on, that just upsets people…

    The “Nov. 18th” to “July 17th” birthday joke made me laugh far more than I should have! :D

    Now for me the question is was this an outsider like an Alien race, a villain or will this turn out to be a hero-heelturn? And how can I avoid being spoiled short of permanent flight-mode?