And now, Archie dressed as pretty much every dude who’s ever appeared on “The Voice.”

§ May 11th, 2017 § Filed under archie § 4 Comments


from Archie #299 (December 1980) – art by Dan DeCarlo

4 Responses to “And now, Archie dressed as pretty much every dude who’s ever appeared on “The Voice.””

  • Eric L says:

    I never did understand these pages. Did kids send in their crude looking drawings forcing the pro artists to try and make it look like a decent outfit? Or just describe them which could make the artists job even harder?

  • CP Bananas says:

    I’ll take one of those Pop Music sweaters, please.

  • Kurt Onstad says:

    “Blues Brother” could be relabeled “Seattle Hipster” and still be completely accurate.

  • MrJM says:

    Looks like the musical lineup at most suburban street festivals.

    — MrJM