Also, giving yourself a nickname is never a good look, says the guy calling himself “Mikester” online for, like, decades now.
So Archie, the fella who usually has two or more pretty young gals pursuing him at any given time, gets some unsolicited advice on how to handle women from a guy who clearly knows what he’s talking about:
Archie being Archie, he of course takes this advice, laying his cool new ‘tude and his new hairstyle on Veronica:
Surprisingly, it doesn’t work like it does for the Fo–excuse me, for “Funzee,” so the Arch moves on to his next supposed conquest, Betty:
…whose father has the appropriate reaction:
Archie isn’t a complete dummy, however, and abandons his attempt at TV star coolness, just in time for his ironic comeuppance:
Aw, poor guy. Don’t worry, Arch, your time will come soon enough:
If there’s one thing I know about Archie comics it’s that you never take the advice of a character who only appears once.
I thought his nickname was “Chick”? Archie continuity drives me funzee!
If you hadn’t put the publishing date at the bottom of the post, I would have assumed Archie Comics finally got around to a “Happy Days” reference some time around 1989.
‘Mikester’ isn’t your name, Mr. Ling?
— MrJM