Also, giving yourself a nickname is never a good look, says the guy calling himself “Mikester” online for, like, decades now.

§ February 20th, 2017 § Filed under archie § 4 Comments

So Archie, the fella who usually has two or more pretty young gals pursuing him at any given time, gets some unsolicited advice on how to handle women from a guy who clearly knows what he’s talking about:

Archie being Archie, he of course takes this advice, laying his cool new ‘tude and his new hairstyle on Veronica:

Surprisingly, it doesn’t work like it does for the Fo–excuse me, for “Funzee,” so the Arch moves on to his next supposed conquest, Betty:

…whose father has the appropriate reaction:

Archie isn’t a complete dummy, however, and abandons his attempt at TV star coolness, just in time for his ironic comeuppance:

Aw, poor guy. Don’t worry, Arch, your time will come soon enough:


images from Archie Giant Series #461 (September 1977) – also reprinted in the Archie Americana Best of the Seventies trade paperback

4 Responses to “Also, giving yourself a nickname is never a good look, says the guy calling himself “Mikester” online for, like, decades now.”