Click on the Creepy Things links for the cutest giant fuzzy spider ever.

So we go a year or three without having any copies of the Tarzan’s Jungle Annuals in the shop, and then, suddenly, we have about a half-dozen copies turn up in a couple of different collections within days of each other.
There are some comics I see all the time…I’ve mentioned how often early Spawns show up in piles of books people are trying to offload on us (why, just yesterday I turned down a bunch of those Spawns, most of which were in lousy condition anyway). And not just Spawn…pretty much the same variety of overprinted ’80s and ’90s comics turn up on such a regular basis that I can almost turn down offered collections just at a glance. I never actually do that, because perhaps hidden among the foil-embossed Avengers and the hologram-cover Web of Spider-Mans and the Turok Dinosaur Hunters might be, you know, a comic or two I might actually have use for. In fact, in that collection with the Spawns, nearly all the other comics were in heavily-worn, unsellable condition, and the ones that weren’t were comics for which we had excess stock already…but I found a nice copy of the deluxe Robin #1, which isn’t the most expensive comic in the world, but they do sell and I can use ’em.
But, yeah, like I said, I do see a lot of the same comics turn up, but those ’80s and ’90s comics I expect to see, since most of them are as common as really common things. However, it’s not often that we get duplications on 60-year-old Tarzan comics…particularly extra-sized, squarebound Jungle Annuals that are prone to spine-splitting and losing pages and otherwise going to pieces through mishandling over the decades. I thought that was neat enough to be worth noting.
Also, a few weeks back we picked up a copy of Creepy Things #6 (Charlton Comics, 1976) in a collection, followed by a copy of the 1977 Modern Comics reprint of that same issue in another collection a day or two later. Is it COINCIDENCE, or something more…MYSTERI — no, it’s coincidence.
What on earth 2 is the license plate on the Deluxe Robin cover supposed to say???
Why, “Redbird,” of course.
I love the logo on those Creepy Things comics.
What issues of Tarzan Jungle Annual are they? And are any left? And how much?
Unless they are insanely high grade, in which case they are way out of my price range.
Not just REDBIRD, but REDBIRD™
Robin ain’t taking no chances with chickens jackin’ his style.
Re: Creepy Things #6:
That cover reminds me of the *rest* of the verses to the Itsy Bitsy Spider.
…you know, the part where someone dies.
COOL spider cover!
with better color on the original!