Let’s all just enjoy a swell Gil Kane splash with Green Lantern and Zatanna.

Mmm boy, just get a load of those shapely gams…oh, and I guess Zatanna’s legs ain’t half-bad either. Also, GL’s dialogue seems a bit humorously redundant: “This magic is stronger than my ring! My ring is helpless against this magic! I can’t overpower the magic with my ring! My ring, normally very powerful, is powerless against…” ZATANNA: “Enough already, I get it! Geez.”
Hence the reason Hal never knocked up Zatanna,
the way he did with Power Girl.
Is that the Ys version of the Berlin Wall?
The dialogue sounds straight out of that DC numbers book. “Hal copped a feel. He copped two feels. Hal is a space cop”.
I would still buy this for the warriors of the warlock.
We all just want to see the photoreference Kane used for Zatanna! If she had only moved her right arm a tad lower, it would be an early BrokeBack (TM ComixAce) pose…
Hal Jordan could use a chaperone on more of his dates.
“Today the part of Hal Jordan will be played by Mojo Jojo…”
I think Kane definitely had a sense of the fishnet (and the ass). But I find that left ankle dubious.
Agreed on all points, Isaac.
How did that guy get Cap’s shield?