A very minor spoiler for All New Batman: The Brave and the Bold #12 is in this post.
So anyway, at the shop on Wednesday, pal Dorian was flipping through some of the comics in his stack, and, while perusing All New Batman: The Brave and the Bold #12, he says to me “hey, Swamp Thing is in this issue.”
Me: “C’mon. Really?”
Dor: “Yes.” (shows me page with Swamp Thing)
Me: “Well, shit.” (takes copy of comic off rack)
Dor: “Well, I guess we know what you’ll be blogging about tomorrow!”
…Sigh. He knows me so well. And just to be clear, my expletive-enhanced reaction wasn’t to the fact that Swamp Thing was in a comic…that’s always okay by me, of course. It had more to do with the fact that I’m such an easy mark. I must buy the comics with Swamp Thing in them. It’s a sickness.
It’s a fun Halloween-ish comic, by the way, with Batman and Zatanna trying to solve a crime at the House of Mystery, with cameo appearances by lots of DC’s horror characters, such as the aforementioned Swamp Thing, who gets in a panel or three.
Other notable items this week: the new Smurfs collection The Smurfs Apprentice, which I haven’t read yet but I’m sure it’ll be as fun as the rest in the series; Superman #2, which is slightly more readable than #1, but only just; Breed III #6, guest-starring Dreadstar…man, I do love the Dreadstar; Fury of Firestorm #2, which again I haven’t got around to reading yet, if only because I didn’t care for the first one so much, but I like the Firestorm character enough to give it another shot; The Incredible Hulk #1, which gives us Bearded Hulk, and Bearded Hulk is nearly always a mark of quality…as is the fact it’s written by Jason Aaron; and Jason Aaron as writer on Wolverine and the X-Men #1 got me to at least flip through the comic and check it out…well, X-Men books are still not for me, I guess, but folks I know who are more mutantly-inclined seem to really like it, so there you go.
GRATUITOUS PARAGRAPH BREAK: Aquaman #2 was probably one of the fastest selling second issues of DC’s New 52 relaunch, so that’s a good sign…the comic wasn’t bad either; I’ve been hearing here and there people are having trouble finding the free Legion flight ring that’s out to promote the Legion Secret Origin #1…I know we didn’t get our full allotment, so maybe there was a shipping issue with this? I don’t know; Daredevil #5 continues to be remarkably good, and hopefully no editorially-mandated crossover events will come along to spoil things; Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3 continues the series that really, really surprised me with the demand I’m seeing…this is a series that has had moribund sales for years, and it’s really taking off. Good, I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for TMNT; and a couple more strip collections: volume two of Fantagraphics’ Mickey Mouse strips, gorgeous as ever, and Reheated Lio: Still Another Lio Collection, peculiar as ever.
Oh, and drop a buck on Spaceman #1 by Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso…an intriguing, and beautiful-looking, first issue.
And in conclusion: Comics! I have…won’t you?
I have that sickness wrt to the Phantom Stranger. Is he in there?
Bearded Hulk. Is that like Bearded Robin Williams?
When Robin Williams makes a movie where he’s bearded, it’s a serious film. So is Bearded Hulk a more series Hulk than unbearded Hulk?
(that’s probably the most times I’ve ever written the word “bearded” in one setting.)
As always,thanx so much for the tip,my friend! I’m on my way back to the store.
Ooo! Swamp Thing AND bearded Hulk? I thought, surely I can go one week without getting comics. Pff! What a silly idea.
Dardevil #8 and The Amazing Spider-Man #677 will crossover in January according to the Marvel previews. But it might work out ok after all since Mark Waid is filling as writer in for the Spidey ish.
When you say TMNT is selling well, I wonder what year I’m in.
When you say that Aquaman is a top seller, I wonder what universe I’m in.
What’s Swamp Thing doing at the House of Mystery?
I realize that it’s just an unfortunate coincidence that this book is written by Fisch & Beavers, but I definitely think it’s time for some editorially-mandated pseudonyms.