Employee Aaron leaves, and suddenly everything goes straight to hell.
So we had a bit of a flood in part of the store’s backroom late Monday night/ early Tuesday morning…not a whole lot was damaged, considering how filled to the brim with stuff the Mystery Area of Lost Souls is back there. But still, we had a long, long day of cleaning, rearranging, pulling up the carpet, and such. I ended up having to take this week’s new comic shipment home since there was no room to process it at the shop, breaking it down in my dining room and pulling comic savers.
Basically, it’s been a long day, so this is going to be it for Wednesday’s entry. …Hopefully, it won’t be locusts at the store next.
Ouch! Sorry to hear about the flood.
Didn’t Employee Aaron take a new job with Western Mutual as a flood insurance specialist? Hmmmm…
Oh man, was it a real river flooding or serious bad weather or pipe leakage?
Here’s hoping you won’t be getting a drought either. Makes them comic pages so brittle.
Here’s a little tip I learned from swap meets: Just throw the water damaged comics into a box and tape a sign on it saying, “RARE!! COLLECTABLE!! $5 Each! 3/$10!!!”
— MrJM
Stone drag. Good luck.
I remember a flood in the FantaCo basement on New Year’s Eve, which involved moving dozens of cases of our publications to higher ground. Ever try to find a plumber on New Years Eve?
Sorry to hear about it! What a drag.
Yikes, Mikes! Clearly the lesson here is never to let one of your sl, err, employees free to roam in the wild, EVER.
So, what you’re saying is that today would be a great day to call the store with a really involved back issue question that never actually turns into an order?
Crap! Like most comic collectors, I live in fear of flooding.
Rotten luck. One can only hope the apocalypse hasn’t chosen to manifest at Ralph’s, but if a gust of wind happens to scatter a box of “B.P.R.D: A PLAGUE OF FROGS” into the air, it may be proper time to worry.
A dedicated follower of fashion.. You expected Really Smooth….? I live in huricane country imagine those creeping mildew stains.