So perhaps you’ve heard that Swamp Thing is in Brightest Day.
So here’s the regular cover for this week’s Brightest Day #24, featuring Swamp Thing as drawn by Gary Frank:
I like the detail of the scarlet snake (I think it’s supposed to be, anyway…I don’t see any red-on-yellow-kill-a-fellow of the coral snake) entwined in Swampy’s shoulder:
And yes, the variant cover, available to retailers in a 1/10 ratio to the regular cover, also featured Swamp Thing (as drawn by Ivan Reis):
Yes, I’m picking up this cover too. I’m buying two copies of the same comic just for the covers, you bastards. Also, is Swamp Thing coughing up the White Lantern rings, or opening his plant-hole wide to receive them? Or maybe they’re just hovering around his face and he’s agape in astonishment. Who knows.
And then there’s the 1/10 variant for the final issue of the Justice League: Generation Lost series, which I swear is mocking me personally:
I mean, just look at this:
Yes, I’m getting this cover too. Jerks.
Need a complete list of all new Swamp Thing appearances this week….Keep us posted!
Confirmed: Brightest Day #24.
Suspect: Green Arrow #11. We’ll find out soon enough.
Also suspect: Generation Lost? Yeah, right.
No, Captain Atom, we weren’t expecting Swamp Thing. At least not with you guys.
If he went BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! He’d probably spit out over a dozen white lantern rings. Oh, wait…
And the storyline is apparently continuing all week:
You crack me up, Mikester.
Hey, at least that comic you’re buying two copies of is only $4.99.
Swamp Thing and regular Thing
Great site
I think Swamp Thing’s laugh would go more like “Bwa….ha…ha…”
Boy I wish those JL:GL variant covers were the regular old covers; I do so love when Maguire uses that pose, and his covers throughout the series have been pretty fantastic.
What is Generation Lost? Has it started coming out in trades yet? It seems like something I would want.
I think he’s couching up the rings. It’s a call-back to a Blackest Night cover which did a similar thing with the Black Lantern rings.
I think you own this story.
So I take it from the lack of responses that Swamp Thing DOES NOT appear in Green Arrow #11, then…
GOOD! I wasn’t wanting to have to hunt down an issue of GA anyway! :)
Green Arrow #11 takes place before Brightest Day #23-24, hence too early for any new Swamp Thing appearance. Whew!
But next month’s Green Arrow #12, on the other hand…