I’m so right about the Jonah Hex movie, don’t you even deny it.
So this week’s comic shipment is thankfully a little lighter of a load than in the previous weeks, what with those new comics days with six simultaneously-released Batman comics and three Deadpool comics and such. And that’s a good thing, since we have a shorter “new this week” window due to comics showing up on Thursday (at least in the U.S.).
Some new items of interest:
- Achewood Vol. 3: Home for Scared People is the latest print collection of the long-running and popular webcomic. The hardcovers for this series (and other Dark Horse web-to-print comic reprints) have all been quite handsome-looking and packed with content…lots of value for the price.
- Chip ‘n’ Dale Rescue Rangers #1 – Pal Ian expands his Disney comic empire with this, a second Disney cartoon comic featuring his sharp scripting. Ian’s probably feeling what I’d be feeling if I’d been given the scripting chores on a Land of the Lost comic.
- Marvelman Family’s Finest #6 – sold a bunch of the first issue, and I’m pretty sure I’ll be the only person at the shop buying this last issue. The lettering may be a tragedy, but I’ve been enjoying the unpretentious, simplistic fun of the stories…but it seems that while there’s still interest in the character, reprints of the original stories are not what the people want. (Yeah, I know, “no duh.”) I get the feeling we’ll be seeing a new Marvel Universe version of Marvelman before we get the reissues and continuation of the Moore/Gaiman storylines from the ’80s / ’90s.
- Lady Death #0 – When the Crossgen version of Lady Death came out, the primary complaint about it was that she was wearing too many clothes. …And this was coming from the female fans of the character. Well, if those readers are still around, I suspect this’ll be more to their taste.
- Rasl #9 – Latest installment of Jeff Smith’s sci-fi adventure/crime/mystery series…took an issue or two to get into it, and now each issue doesn’t come out quickly enough for me! Nice work, quite a switch from Smith’s previous project Bone.
- Shadowhawk #5 – I suspect this series must sell for somebody somewhere. We’re getting a copy for the rack, which will end up going in the back issue bin at the end of the month. I don’t want to cut the order entirely, because you never know when someone might come in looking for it, and it’s just one comic, after all, so it’s not that much of a burden to carry it. But, man, poor ol’ Shadowhawk.
- Boys #49 – While I generally enjoy this violent and dark-humored anti-superhero comic, I think maybe I’m about ready for this freaks-and-bastards parade to wrap up. Especially with the series getting stretched a bit thin with a couple of additional concurrently-running mini-series in the last year or two. Still sells relatively well, though, so why am I complaining?
- Classic Marvel Figurine Collection #134: Son of Satan and Classic DC Figurine Collection #69: Detective Chimp – at last, they can fight!
- Gumby’s Gang #1 – The return of Gumby to the comic stands, though without creators Bob Burden and Rick Geary from the previous series. I do love Gumby, so I’ll give it a look, but the new guys have big shoes to fill.
- Wolverine: Best There Is #1 – sigh.
- She-Hulks #2 and Ant-Man & The Wasp #2 – the first issues of both of these sold out pretty quickly for us. Here’s hoping everyone comes back for the next installments!
- Jonah Hex #62 – Well, the movie didn’t kill the comic, but it sure gave it its best shot. By the way, I finally watched the movie the other day via the Netflix, and…man, instead of rolling the end credits at the one hour, 12 minute mark, this film totally should have gone another forty-five minutes with some full-on sci-fi Hex action. …You know I’m right.
You’re right.
Man, they need to collect that. I’ve been reviewing my way through all the dc westerns and a trade of that stuff would be the cherry on top.
You know – you can very easily find back issues of that entire series [HEX]for pretty much cover price, still. It didn’t take me long to scrounge up the entire series for pretty close to less than I would have paid for them back when they came out.
“When the Crossgen version of Lady Death came out, the primary complaint about it was that she was wearing too many clothes. …And this was coming from the female fans of the character.”
Really? I’m not being sarcastic, I’m genuinely asking. It seems like there’s so much complaining about this sort of thing in the blogosphere.
Classic Marvel Figurine #134.
Classic DC Figure #69.
So, Detective Chimp is almost twice as important in the DC universe as the Son of Satan is in the Marvel universe. Numbers don’t lie, people.
Old Bull Lee – I’m not kidding in the slightest…these were genuine comments I received from female fans of Lady Death.
I’ve got a female friend who would roll her eyes at any comic as ‘naughty’ as Lady Death EXCEPT for Lady Death (she’s a big fan). Somehow that comic gets a free ride.
Marvelman Family’s Finest is perfect TPB material, hopefully cheap.
I’m hanging onto The Boys as it wraps up with #60, but I do agree, Mike. Getting thin. And I could see a Showcase of Hex, as they did one with Bat Lash. Hell, they did one of Booster Gold.
I have often wondered why the current Jonah Hex series has been so chary about integrating the book into the more fantastical side of the DCU – it’s not like Hex was ever a stranger to that jazz even before the later sci-fi series. It’s obvious all the creators involved think of Hex as a really prestigious series – based on all the top-shelf artists who line up for the privilege of drawing it – and the idea of doing something as “crass” as a time travel story, or an Abin Sur team-up (oh, don’t tell me you never thought of that one before) would spoil that prestige.
They’ve been content to publish the series at or below DCU cancellation numbers for a long time, and in terms of promotion treat it more like a Vertigo book. I figure if sales ever dip precipitously lower, they’ll do a modernized sci-fi HEX arc as a “sweeps week” gimmick, maybe with some kind of classic sci-fi artist on pencil duties, similar in stature to Bernet or Cooke. (I was going to suggest Al Williamson, but then a quick Wikipedia scan revealed that he died earlier this year and I completely forgot about it.) Maybe Dave Gibbons.
Never even heard of Shadowhawk. Who’s it from?
The depressing thing is, if you were born on the day Shadowhawk #1 was released, you could now drive a car and vote.
I have never felt so old.
bl000 – It’s one of the original Image comics.
I must have the Detective Chimp figurine.
The phrase “original Image comics” does make me feel old, considering all the different things they publish now.
Just watched the Hex movie today myself, and it did feel like it was a second away from teleporting Hex to the future at any moment.
@Tim O’Neil:
When was the pre-“Hex” Hex involved in “fantastical” stories? All the stories I can recall in his own title were naturalistic. Outside his own book I can only recall his appearance in Justice League of America.
Also: Ten bucks says the monkey in the deerstalker beats the guy with the silly orange hair and the fork.