Someone ask Geoff Johns to bring back that Qwardian in the derby hat.
How evil is Green Lantern’s arch nemesis Sinestro? Why, he’s so evil, he’s coming in a very solid second, just behind Gypo-Bax, in the Most Evil Citizen of Qward popularity contest:
I do have to admit that the very idea of Sinestro desperately trying to win a popularity contest tickles me. I can just picture Sinestro handpainting a bunch of “VOTE SIN” construction paper signs and hanging them around the school. But then again, the very idea of Sinestro fretting about a contest like this, while appearing a bit silly to adults, would probably resonate with the school-age children this comic was aimed at.
But seriously, This Guy:
…he’s like the Qward Dimension Evil Anti-Matter Duplicate of Doiby Dickles.
And that he’s Sinestro’s “campaign manager” is a hoot, too. You know Sinestro didn’t hire the guy, that he just kinda declared himself Sinestro’s campaign manager, and Sinestro simply can’t shake him off.
Oh, speaking of Green Lantern, I guess there’s a trailer out for the movie.
Remember when comics were fun?
Is the guy with 50 points the antimatter universe version of Chef Boyardee?
Can’t believe the thing is annual. But if “values are upside-down” all Sinestro has to do is rescue a kitten or hold a charity bake sale and he should shoot right to the top.
That panel of a crowd on Qward proves it: BALDNESS = EVIL.
The missing piece to topple Gypo-Bax:
— MrJM
Did he hand out cupcakes?