§ October 3rd, 2010 § Filed under golden age, sir-links-a-lot § 8 Comments

image from from Keen Detective Funnies #23(?) (1940)

In other news:

  • So they did that “largest gathering of superheroes” Megamind advertisement / world record attempt — which reminds me, is that really a Guinness Book of World Records category? — and sure, we can all make fun of it, but someone totally showed up as Popeye and I’m okay with that.
  • SPOILER ALERT: So the very last word of dialogue spoken in the last Cathy comic strip is “iPhone.” Seems…weird to me.

    And as I was writing that I saw that Adam Koford pointed out that the actual last words of the strip were “PAT PAT.” That mollifies me…somewhat. Not that I’ve ever really thought about Cathy or mentioned the strip on the site. (Well, mentioned it twice on the site, anyway.)

  • Speaking of Adam Koford, BEHOLD ORIGINAL MADE-TO-ORDER DRAWINGS FOR SALE. And at low, low prices! Tell him Mike sent you, so he can say “…Who?”
  • Speaking of comic strips, have I mentioned that pal Andres has a site devoted to Nancy’s aunt Fritzi Ritz? Complete with Fritzi Fridays? All documented, all true.
  • And on the topic of Nancy, Fantagraphics is trying to locate some dailies from 1942. I don’t have any, and I sure wish I did…but if YOU have any, please help them out! (And I’m not putting that out there just because I’m a nice guy…I want my Nancy reprint book!)
  • One final funnypages bit of business…yesterday was Peanuts‘ 60th anniversary. How did you celebrate? (Me…I went and talked to my old school building, played some tennis against “Crybaby” Boobie, and developed this odd rash on my head that looks strangely like baseball stitching….)
  • RevolutionSF has been doing a series of articles about comics that haven’t yet been collected into trade paperback, or have been collected but are long out of print. A couple that I’d add to the lists: a Hammerlocke collection would be welcome, which featured some nice Chris Sprouse art. And while I’d like to see a Spanner’s Galaxy trade, with Tom Mandrake’s art recolored and safely away from the Flexographic printing process which afflicted it during its original publication, I’m not holding my breath.
  • REMINDER: I’m still doing Estate 4.1, that wonderful, uplifting site where I point out delightful comments left by thoughtful users on news stories…though I may have to stop because I think I’ve found the greatest news story comment of all time.

    Honestly, this busts me up every time I read it, and I’m not sure I can even explain why. Your Mileage May Vary, as they say.

  • And now, sent to me courtesy of reader C. Elam, here is William Shatner for K-TEL:

8 Responses to “Suddenly…DEATH FROM THE BRUSH!”