Blogging about other people’s blogging, as well as my own, is a sin.

§ June 28th, 2009 § Filed under blogging about blogging is a sin Comments Off on Blogging about other people’s blogging, as well as my own, is a sin.

Pal Tom is retiring his weblog, which is a darned shame, but I’m sure you’ll all join me in wishing him the best. Plus, he’s on the Twitter, so it’s not like we’ll never hear from the guy.

Tom was one of the four founding members of what I liked to call the Associated Comics and Pop Culture Webloggers of Ventura County, CA, and Outlying Environs (ACAPCWOVCCAOE for short, natch), along with pal Dorian, pal Ian, and myself. I’ve added a few folks to the collective, some of whom I realize haven’t updated in a while. But Tom, Dor, Ian and I were the charter members of this alleged organization, and it is a little sad to see one of the Inner Circle decide to retire.

So good luck, Tom! Enjoy your life free of feeding the blog, what with your “going outside” and “having friends” and “enjoying life” and all that jazz. Why, you wouldn’t catch me doing any of that.

In other news:

  • You may have noticed that I finally used tags on one of my posts. You can now click “sluggo saturday” at the end of a Sluggo Saturday post and get a faceful of Sluggo. No need to thank me.

    As pal Dorian told me regarding this, “welcome to 2005,” so yeah, I’m a tad behind the curve when it comes to this sort of thing. I just haven’t been looking forward to going back and tagging all 3,000 posts, and I’d been putting it off until I upgraded to a more robust blogging platform. But, who knows when I’ll do that, so there you go. Enjoy some tagging.

  • Some follow up to a couple of questions I was asked via my comments sections, but never got around to answering:

    Flossin wondered

    “Also: Mike, are you an Andy Kaufman fan? I saw some Amazon ads for ‘My Breakfast with Blassie’ here and was just wondering.”

    Yes, I am quite the Kaufman fan. I always appreciated that he either 1) kept audiences wondering what was a put-on and what wasn’t, and 2) just outright aggressively tested their patience. I realize that, like most comedy, it’s not for everybody, but I thought he was brilliant.

    Roel asks

    “…Isn’t 500 considered a bigger event than 600? Why would they ignore 500 but return to the old numbering for 600? That seems backwards…”

    I’m not entirely sure…issue 500 would have been near the middle of the 1998 Cap series, so the “new #1” sales bump would have been over, and I doubt they knew that the series was going to end at #50 by that point, so that wouldn’t have been a consideration. Maybe they just plain didn’t feel like it, that the series was doing well enough without having to restore the original numbering to generate an Extra-Sized Issue.

    The again, they did just do that on Thor after only about 12 issues, a series that’s still selling fairly well, so who knows. Just another attempt at grabbing the consumer in a rocky marketplace during economic turmoil…you gotta do what you gotta do, I guess.

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