We may have received some Spanish-language comics in a collection recently.

§ October 18th, 2008 § Filed under retailing, watchmen Comments Off on We may have received some Spanish-language comics in a collection recently.

House ad from Los Vengadores #26 (1981), published in Mexico:


And now, for no good reason…from the same comic, Captain America and Quicksilver versus Attuma:

I like how most (but not all, I know) of the dialogue on this page looks like declarative expressions, ending in periods instead of the typical exclamation points. “Cap, Attuma is attacking! We have to stop him!” “Whoa there, Quicksilver baby. Don’t get so uptight, man.”

And now, suddenly, for even less reason…Spanish Rorschach from an edition of Watchmen #1 published in Spain:

I may have said this bit of dialogue about a hundred or so times to Employee Aaron on Friday. I don’t know why either.

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