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And now, one of the last words you’d ever expect Gambit to say.

§ June 3rd, 2008 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on And now, one of the last words you’d ever expect Gambit to say.

“Wonky?” Really?

This mini-comic, measuring only 4 by 6 1/2 inches, was packaged in one of Pizza Hut’s “Creators’ Choice” X-Men cartoon videotapes from 1993. It came packed with a trading card and a mini-poster, neither of which, alas, are still present. Here’s the cover, by Bill Sienkiewicz, of the one from which I scanned that first image:

The interior pencils, on this issue at least, are by Alex Saviuk. You can see the cover of the second issue, along with other Pizza Hut comic book promos, here.

The inside covers feature brief messages from the writer (not of this particular comic, but of the X-Men in general, at the time) Fabian Nicieza, and from Marvel Comics presenter Stan Lee:

ME: “Whoo hoo! Stan says it’s okay to not like you!”


If you’d like to learn more about Pizza Hut’s X-Men promotion, here’s something that’ll take thirty seconds of life away from you…just click on the next pic for the YouTube video. No embedding allowed on this video, so you gotta click through to see it:

Apparently there was a time when large Bishop cardboard stand-ups roamed the Earth, at least in places other than comic book stores:

"Good Lord! They’re already loose!!"

§ June 2nd, 2008 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on "Good Lord! They’re already loose!!"

Loaned to me by pal Tom (not that pal Tom, but by this pal Tom) are a couple of the Joe Kubert School-produced ‘zines from when he attended there. The first is Manticore, published in 1976:

The jam cover design is credited to Steve Bissette, and drawn by the students.

This next one, Parade of Gore, came out in ’77 and features a Bissette-drawn cover:

Here’s a closer look at part of the Parade of Gore logo. I love the expression on the left-hand A:

Other contributors to these mags include Rick Veitch, Tom Yeates, John Totleben, Rick Grimes, Ron Randall, Dave Dorman, pal Tom…it’s a fun look at some early work by these creators.

Tom also told me that there were tons of these ‘zines floating around the school; that they would use them for toilet paper (probably an exaggeration) and that they’d use them for traction to get stuck cars out of snowbanks (probably not an exaggeration). All together now…AAAAARGH!

In which Mike speaks about just a few things very briefly, and then plugs his eBay auctions.

§ June 1st, 2008 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on In which Mike speaks about just a few things very briefly, and then plugs his eBay auctions.

  • So you may remember a while back, during my Swamp Thing/blogiversary week, when I wrote a bit about Darkseid’s appearance in Swamp Thing. Well, the man what wrote ‘n’ drew that funnybook, Rick Veitch, has a few words to say about it as well, particularly about his motivation behind introducing the characters into the book.

    And though I said it before in that old post, I just want to say it again: I love Veitch’s use of the phrase “academic chicken.” It still tickles me.

  • Speaking of Mr. Veitch, his new collection Heartburst and Other Pleasures is now in stores. Included is the title work, originally a Marvel Graphic Novel; “The Mirror of Love,” written by Alan Moore and illustrated by Veitch and Steve Bissette; and other short pieces of lovable dementia. Highly recommended, as are all his other recent collections (Abraxas and the Earthman and Shiny Beasts).

    Other new items of note this week:

    Final Crisis #1 – perhaps you’ve heard of it…I went for the “sliver” cover, because I’m obsessive enough to want all my Final Crisis covers to be the same type, and the “classic DC hero” variants have a creepy Flash cover coming up that I’m not going to want staring back at me.

    Oh, and the insides are pretty good, too. Very beautifully drawn by J.G. Jones, and Grant Morrison sets things up quite nicely for the shenanigans that are to follow.

    Comics Journal #290 – contains quite possibly more discussion and debate about that recent Charles Schulz biography than any normal human can stand. Includes a lengthy essay from son Monte Schulz. There are also some reprints of 1950s horror work by Bob Powell, including the unmissable “Wall of Flesh.” Honestly, it’s worth buying this issue of TCJ just for that story. But you should read the rest of the mag, too.

    Have I mentioned the Hembeck Omnibus yet? It’s fatter than your mom and twice as funny, and well worth every penny (the book, not your mom). There are spots here and there where the lettering is just a tiny bit too cramped and a little muddy, but still perfectly readable, if eyestrainable. But trust me…it’s great! Buy two! Also – contains naked Hembeck! Who wouldn’t want that?

    Speak of the Devil #6 – the last chapter of Gilbert Hernandez’s story of…well, dysfunctional relationships and murder, murder, murder! Fun for the whole family. It’s a fast and wrongly-entertaining read, and if you didn’t get it in the single format, get the inevitable collection. Also, there’s a short interview with Gilbert, where he says a thing or two about this series.

    King Size Hulk #1 – Marvel was nice enough to “double-cover” this comic, so that you get both variant covers instead of having to choose. The stories inside…well, it’s half Red Hulk hijinks which, if you like the Red Hulk stuff (which I do, actually), here’s more of it. The other half is reprints, including the first appearance of Wolverine which, frankly, as Hulk comics go, isn’t all that. But if you don’t have the story already, here’s your chance to finally own it.

  • It’s the CROSSOVER OF THE AGES: pal Dorian meets Bully the Little Stuffed Bull, and the horrific carnage is documented in bloodcurdling full color right here.

    And where did this pulse-pounding confrontation take place? At the Bookexpo America 2008 in Los Angeles, and you can read Bully’s report starting here, and continuing here.

  • I do intend on going back to discuss some of the responses to my post about the various reboots of the Legion of Super-Heroes. A lot of you made some very good points, and I do want to address them. Hopefully I’ll have the time to do so soon.
  • I apologize in advance for this commerical announcement:

    I’m trying to raise a little scratch, so I’ve started selling a few things through my personal eBay account again. You can find a link in my “commercial section” of my sidebar, too…I’ll be listing more things over the next few weeks. If you are so inclined, and I happen to have anything you’d like, please feel free to help out…and keep checking back for new items. Any and all purchases will be greatly appreciated. Plus, I guarantee that every item has been personally touched by me — now that’s a selling point!

    And to make myself feel better about begging folks for money, let me try to help out someone else trying to raise a little extra summer fundage: Alan David Doane has a bunch of stuff for sale, with lots of great deals.

    Oh, and check out pal Dorian’s Amazon store, too. I recommend Myths for the Modern Age.

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