Sometimes I’m a tad testy.
Due out today in your finer funnybook establishments:
- Adolescent Radioactive Black Belt Hamsters #1 – Given that the market is only barely supporting the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles titles, I’m not quite sure it’s ready to handle the revival of the original TMNT knock-off, too. But, you know, I do have a soft spot for this title, if only because it was the first TMNT knock-off, so there’s, you know, historical value.
- Amazing Spider-Man #546 2nd printing – Oh for God’s sake.
- Avengers: Initiative #9, House of M Avengers #4, Mighty Avengers #8, New Avengers Annual #2, New Avengers: Illuminati hardcover, New Avengers/Transformers trade paperback – Gee, it’s too bad we couldn’t have had a new Marvel Adventures: Avengers and a new monthly issue of New Avengers this week, too, just so we could have every friggin’ Avengers title come out at the exact same time. I didn’t even mention the Young Avengers hardcover, since that’s more of its own thing, rather than another comic for Iron Man to be in. Er, Iron Man was in Young Avengers at some point, come to think of it, wasn’t he?
- Badger Saves the World #2 – I do love the Badger, but he never had quite the following his brother-in-funnybook-arms Nexus did, and there doesn’t seem to be quite the same amount of nostalgic good will fueling this new series. I think it’s okay, but there don’t seem to be too many Badger fans around any more, new folks aren’t giving it a try, and we barely move any copies.
- Black Adam: The Dark Age #6 – I know this probably makes me a bad person, but I’ve been enjoying this comic. Yes, I know it’s all dark and violent and grotesque and stuff, but it’s still kept my interest. Black Adam makes for an interesting tragic character who is his own worst enemy.
- Captain America #34 – This would be the one with the “new” Captain America taking the place of the temporarily-dead Steve Rogers. Marvel’s apparently attempting to drum up some real world publicity for this, but I haven’t noted any extra inquiries about this comic, aside from the folks who already come in every Wednesday for the new books.
We bumped orders up a bit, but not a lot…we’re not really expecting too many “civilians” coming in for the book. I wonder if there’s such a thing as “real world comic book news fatigue,” where people see yet another story about comics in their newspaper or on TV and the novelty of rushing in to buy the newest thing they just heard about has worn too thin for them to care any more.
- Countdown to Final Crisis #13 – I hope there’s something for online fans to complain about in this issue, just, you know, for a change of pace.
- Death of the New Gods #5 – So, I wonder if we’ll get any closer to proving/disproving the other half of my theory in this installment?
- Fantastic Four #553 – Ah, the last monthly issue. Enjoy that new quarterly schedule, folks. (Or am I jumping the gun a bit?)
- Free Nexus Origin S&N Incentive – Yeah, we’re getting three of these. Would be nice to have a second new issue of Nexus someday, however.
- Futurama Comics #35 – You know what? The Simpsons family of comics may not be huge sellers, but they’re consistent sellers, and real fan-pleasers. And they sell to folks who don’t normally buy comics, which is a plus.
- Gene Simmons Zipper #3 – Title still makes me laugh, still doesn’t sell to anyone, ever.
- Project Superpowers #0 – Well, it’s not too late, but people stopped asking about it a few weeks ago, so here’s hoping they still want it. At least it’s only a buck.
- Salem #0 (of 4) – Seeing something numbered “#0 of 4” makes me laugh. Well, not so much laugh as chuckle. Well, okay, not so much chuckling as sighing heavily.
- Satanika Halloween Special – In January. I’m going to be nice and assume it shipped early for Halloween ’08.
- Spirit #13 – Written by Sergio Aragones and Mark Evanier, and drawn by freakin’ Mike Ploog. MIKE PLOOG. Wait, let me emphasize that:
Gosh darn, I do loves me some Ploog. Can’t wait to see it. (See, I’m not cranky all the time.)EDIT: Er, make that issue #14 for the Ploogmania to begin. Tarnation!
- Suckulina Vampire Temp – That, my friend, is the very definition of HIGH CONCEPT.
- Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #48 – Ooh, I hope this issue has women with large breasts in it. I don’t think the last issue had nearly enough. (But let Mr. Sims tell you more about it.)
- Trials of Shazam #11 – I know I’ve complained about this comic before, but I still can’t believe it’s not over yet. Feels like it’s been running forever.
- Transformers Spotlight: Blaster – Okay, I realize this came out a week or two ago, but we’re getting a restock on it this week. We cut the Transformers orders down way low, since the comic tanked shortly after the movie came out…and now, suddenly, people want it again. Not a lot of people, mind you, but a few more than the number of copies we’ve been ordering. Ain’t that always the way?
- X-Factor #26 2nd Printing Variant – I like how Marvel is still referring to the 2nd printings as “variants” to lessen the blow that they were forced into backpedaling on their “no reprints” policy. But, I’m glad they are doing reprints, particularly on titles like this one that I can genuinely use (as opposed to a certain reprint that may have appeared earlier in this post).