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Yes, I’m posting about Episode II; Buffy and that other comic; going insane; America’s #1 American.

§ March 15th, 2007 § Filed under Uncategorized § 1 Comment

So I was watching Star Wars: Episode III yesterday evening, and was reminded of the above Lego playset, based on a scene from Episode II. You know, the scene where (and, um, SPOILER, I guess…but if you haven’t seen it by now, you ain’t going to, probably) Anakin takes vengeance for his mom’s death at the hands of the Sandpeople by wiping out an entire community of them, including children.

Compare with the Lego packaging, where a l’il smiling Anakain is flying by his Sandpeople pals. I always found this bit of tie-in licensing a bit disconcerting, though I imagine Lucasfilm would have balked at “Anakin’s Tusken Massacre.” And a commenter or two at that Lego site I linked to lament the lack of a figure for Anakin’s mom. What, a smiling Anakin about to slaughter a bunch of Sandpeople wasn’t enough, you need a figure for Anakin’s dead or dying mom, too? Smiling, of course.

I wonder if there was a Lego “Younglings Encounter” set for the third film?

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 8 made its delayed debut this week, and I was a little worried that I wasn’t hearing the same interest in the title from the customers this Wednesday that I heard last Wednesday. However, as it turned out, we’d nearly sold through our order by the end of the day, so I’m no longer sweating the possibility that the reorder I’d placed for extra copies last week are going to sit there.

At least, I hope not.

And on the topic of reorders: that comic that shall not be named (and I discussed all last week)…I’m getting reports of the reorders finally getting shipped to stores, and from what I heard from our distributor rep, not only were the reorders we placed before the deadline for guaranteed fills on their way, we’re almost certainly going to get the rest we ordered after that deadline. Which leads me to believe, unless demand remains high, we’re all gonna be going from famine to feast on this funnybook right quick. I believe I described this comic to the Employees as “going from Superman #75 to Adventures of Superman #500 over the course of a couple weeks.”

Sign #82 that Mike has lost his mind:

Walking past Employee Jeff and a customer, while singing the following song to myself, but within their hearing:

“Here I come
Here comes Mike Racer
I’m a demon on wheels
I’m a demon and I’m gonna be chasin’ after someone….”

I’m losing my mind.

There’s a phrase I throw around a lot at work, simply because it amuses me, and, probably, no one else: “America’s #1 American.” Now, it used to be Chuck Norris who was America’s #1 American (see why here and here), but it appears he’s been supplanted by no less a personage than Stephen Colbert, America’s new #1 American:

Okay, it’s shameless Marvel huckstering, but I’ll let it slide this once.

"A far-out sportsman who lost his body in a racing crash, but whose kookie human brain survives inside a robot body!"

§ March 14th, 2007 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on "A far-out sportsman who lost his body in a racing crash, but whose kookie human brain survives inside a robot body!"

from Doom Patrol #105 (August 1966) by Arnold Drake & Bruno Premiani

A fond farewell to comics writer Arnold Drake, creator of the Doom Patrol, as well as one of my all-time favorite oddball DC titles Stanley and his Monster, to name only two of his many credits. Mark Evanier has more information about the man.

One year closer to death.

§ March 13th, 2007 § Filed under old Comments Off on One year closer to death.

from Archie’s Pals ‘n’ Gals #10 (Fall ’59)

Yeah, it’s my birthday again…they just keep comin’, one every year. Though I feel like I’ve aged about a year just in the last week…arguing with folks on the internet will do that to you. Internet arguments are like trying to sweep the desert – you don’t get anywhere, and it just makes you tired.

So I’m taking the day off today, but not before posting a couple things:

  • Happy birthday to my birthday brother Andrew at Armagideon Time. He was also born on March 13th, but three years later than me. Why, he’s practically just a baby! (EDIT: In his birthday post, Andrew dedicates to me a late addition to pal Dorian’s Meme That Wouldn’t Die. Yes, it has Swamp Thing in it.)
  • Thanks to Johanna for letting me know about this article on alternative minimum tax with an entirely random Swamp Thing reference:

    “Dispatching the alternative minimum tax is like trying to kill the Swamp Thing, a Hollywood horror beast of the 1970s that kept resurfacing no matter how many times you tried to get rid of it.”

    Oh, okay, su…wha-huh?

  • And just because it’s my birthday: here, have another Myspace Swamp Thing:

    “About me:

    “What’s up people? I’m a crime fighting vegetable in the swamps of Louisiana! When I’m not slapping some evil mad scientist like a little b*tch; I’m mackin’ wid da Cajun hos. You ever wanna go slummin’ with me, holla. Oh, and I’m Jewish; so shalom biotch!

    “Who I’d like to meet:

    “I’d like to meet a woman that knows how to treat a plant right. You know, a woman that doesn’t mind fetching a little miracle-gro for me from time to time. I’m not saying I’m high maintenance, this brother just needs a little sunshine and fertilizer now and then. And I’m packin’ a twelve inch cucumber so if she was tall that would be good too. She also has to like swimming and can’t be afraid of alligators and snakes and sh*t.”

    I can’t help but think that this sounds slightly different from the Swamp Thing I’d been reading about all these years.

    He’s also a member of the adults-only Myspace group “gEt reaDy fOr a naSty tiMe,” which, again, seems a tad out of character for ol’ Swampy.

See you all tomorrow!

Richie Rich Billions #14 (January ’77)

I swear to God, I never want to type the words "Captain" and "America" in that order ever again.

§ March 12th, 2007 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on I swear to God, I never want to type the words "Captain" and "America" in that order ever again.

Here’s an ad from Richie Rich Billions #14 (Jan. ’77):

Okay, talking about Halloween costumes in March is, perhaps, a little untimely, but man, dig that crazy Jaws costume:

The only actual photo of this fantastic costume I could find online was on this page, about halfway down. (Note: pop-under ads on that site, some with sound).

In other, non-Halloween, news:

  • I keep finding people via the referrals logs who think this article is real. That’s what I get for not making my spoofs funny, I guess.
  • This is perhaps an odd consequence of the past week’s Captain America mania: the latest issue of Onslaught Reborn has two covers, one prominently featuring Cap, and one that does not. Guess which cover is consistently outselling the other? COINCIDENCE?
  • In response to comments left on my site, and seen elsewhere: I don’t really blame Marvel for last week’s Cap shenanigans. They tried to get people to order more Caps without coming right out and saying “hey, he’s gonna die! DIE I tell you!” and spoiling it for everyone…though honestly, reading between the lines in the solicits, it was pretty clear what was going to happen and when. So it wasn’t as if we ignored them or anything…we looked at what was going on, we gauged customer interest, we looked at sales of other Civil War tie-ins, and ordered accordingly.

    And then everyone was blindsided by the mass media coverage and subsequent, and non-predictable, huge increase in traffic by folks outside the usual customer base…but I think if I talk about this again, y’all are going to mob outside my castle with the rakes and torches.

    I just felt it was probably necessary to bring it up one more time, since I get the feeling I’m going to be used in the very near future as an example of “here’s a funnybook seller who didn’t order enough! Wasn’t he dumb!” with absolutely no acknowledgment of my particular argument.

  • So, does everyone think this Cap-mania is going to carry over into future issues of Captain America and the “Fallen Son” tie-ins?

    Yeah, me neither. Haven’t you heard? Captain America #25 was the last issue! At least, that’s what I heard all last week from people looking for it, so it must be true.

  • I also saw elsewhere an inquiry into sales of Civil War: The Return, and how that fared in comparison to what’s going on with Cap now. Well, in our case, again, we saw how Civil War tie-ins were doing, we noted that Marvel indicated this was the return of a major once-dead character, and we ordered accordingly.

    And we got it almost perfect, selling nearly all the way through on the shelf, with just a few left over for any stragglers looking for a copy after the month shelflife for the title was up.

    Now, if there had been some kind of huge mainstream media push on the comic that drove folks into stores looking for it (which, yes, I know, wouldn’t have happened because this is Captain Marvel we’re talking about, and only nerds like you and me know who he is…though I remain surprised the general public is even marginally aware of who Captain America is), we would have blown through all our copies right quick, and we’d be in the same situation we are now with the Cap thing.

    And even if Marvel extolled us to raise orders because they thought retailers didn’t order enough, and if we listened to them…we probably would have just raised orders enough to accommodate possible increased interest from our usual customer base, and not enough to cover the invading hordes of lookie-loos and savvy investors who saw the book on the n…

    …okay, “rakes,” “torches,” moving on.

  • I’ve also seen Civil War #2 (the Spidey reveals his identity issue) being thrown around as some kind of indicator that, due to the media attention that received, and due to the fact that Marvel tried to get folks to up their orders on that book, we should have listened when Marvel tried to get us to do the same with Cap.

    I don’t know about other stores, but while Civil War #2 did get a slight bump in sales at our shop from new customers who saw it/heard it in a mass media outlet of some kind, it was nowhere near what happened with the Cap thing. We didn’t sell out of it during the month it was on the rack, for example. It did finally sell out as a back issue, but that’s because some folks started the series with issue three or four and wanted to catch up.

  • Okay, and that makes every day SINCE LAST WEDNESDAY that I’ve talked about this. Until I have something new to say (i.e. noting sales on the restock of the first printing, sales on any reprints, people trying to sell me full cases of the comic once the market for ’em bottoms out), I’m dropping the subject. (But let me link to what The Rack has to say about all this before I do.)

    So, as an apology to my faithful readers who have had to put up with my rantings and my bad temper and my saying the same darned thing over and over again in the hopes that some folks would eventually catch a clue…here’s that Jaws costume again:

    Ah, crazy-scary Jaws costume, deliver me from this maddening world.

  • SPECIAL NOTE TO FOLKS WHO WRITE ME E-MAIL: Please keep sending me e-mail, as I always enjoy hearing from readers of the site. But please keep in mind that, um, my response times to your e-mails are, shall we say, suboptimal.

    I’ll answer your e-mails, eventually, I promise, sorta.

So long, Richard.

In which Mike tries to find his center.

§ March 11th, 2007 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on In which Mike tries to find his center.

Okay, I just slightly lost my temper about things yesterday, even though pal Dorian told me I wasn’t nearly harsh enough in my dealings with armchair comics-retailing quarterbacks. But, I’m gonna try to let it go, if only because I can say the same thing over and over so many times that even I get sick of it, much less you, the reader.

I’m just trying to get across the fact that we order things as best as we can with the information given, and that we can’t order things by guessing, somehow, that mainstream media coverage on the day of release is going to drive hordes of non-comic fans into stores seeking the book. That’s a fluke event that can’t be predicted or depended upon.

Most of you get that…I just wish the few that don’t would as well.

Er, not doing a very good job letting go, am I?

To cleanse the palate, have a couple of panels taken totally out of context from Just Married #107 (Sept. 1975):

It’s funnier if you have a dirty mind, like, oh, say, pal Tom.

Speaking of funny (which I’m not, as you’ll recall), the latest installment of Benjamin Birdie and Kevin Church’s webcomic, The Rack, was inspired by an exchange between me and former employee Kid Chris from a few months back. Kevin thanked me for the idea, so I thought that now the strip has been unleashed upon the world, I’d relate said exchange.

First, read the strip. No, really, go read it. I’ll be here when you’re done.

Hmmm hm hm…hmmm hmmm…oh, hi! Okay, here’s the very, very brief conversation Kid Chris and I had:

KID CHRIS: “Mike, you need a new window painting for the store.”

ME: “Like what?”

KID CHRIS: “How about a Civil War painting? You could have Iron Man leading Luke Cage to his prison cell in handcuffs.”


Yeah, for some reason, I thought that painting could be construed as offensive.

I do still need a new window painting, though. Maybe a big picture of Captain America trying to sell a case of Turok #1s.

Sorry, that just slipped out.

Oh, hey, via Metafilter comes this overview of the only good post-Grant Morrison issue of Doom Patrol‘s second series. Well, “good” as in “it’s not good in the traditional sense, but it’s a hoot.” (And perhaps that’s not entirely fair calling this the only “good” issue, since I’ve been told that things pick up a bit in the later Ted McKeever-illustrated issues.)

At the store on Saturday, employee Jeff and I were talking about, for some reason, the possible existence of a Harry Potter role playing game, which brought up the possibility of the horror of a live action Harry Potter role playing game, which brought me to a piece of merchandise I don’t think I’ve seen yet for the Harry Potter-verse.

A talking Sorting Hat (sound at link).

There are plenty of wearable Sorting Hat replicas that I’ve found with the Google. But what I’m talking about is a Sorting Hat that includes a voice chip with randomized soundbytes that play when the hat is worn, announcing which house the wearer belongs to, that sort of thing. And maybe some simple animatronics to make the hat move around and its mouth open and close.

Okay, it’s kind of dopey, and just a little creepy, but I’m totally surprised such a thing doesn’t yet exist (or if it does, I haven’t found it…let me know if I missed something).

THIS ISN’T ME: Swamp Thing on the Myspace.

“Who I’d like to meet:
Nice, ecologically minded people. No one associated with Arcane and his sinister un-men. Friends of John Constantine are o.k.”


“Swamp Thing’s Interests

“General: Conferring with the parliament of trees, reconstituting my physical form in different parts of the world, spending time with my lover Abigail, thwarting my arch-nemesis Anton Arcane, eating psychedelic tubers that grow out of my back.

“Music: The plaintive cries of bayou birds, Creedence”

Dude, I don’t think Swamp Thing eats his own tubers. You know, even as I typed that, I couldn’t believe what I was writing. Look what you’ve done to me, Internet.


§ March 10th, 2007 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on Anyway…

…even though I told myself “online arguments” was something I wanted to leave to my long-ago days on BBSes, somehow I found myself trying to beat some sense into people in this Blog@Newsarama comments thread. Apparently we were supposed to raise our orders* of the comic-that-shall-not-be-named based on info in internet rumor columns and because Marvel told us to. Yeah, okay.

My ongoing struggle against people who aren’t in the business of comics retail trying to tell me how to sell comics (because, you know, I’ve only been doing this for TWENTY FRIGGING YEARS) has tired me. Real content will resume tomorrow, maybe.

EDIT: *”To accommodate the last-second mass media-driven consumer frenzy that we obviously should have been able to predict,” I should add.

Okay, so I do have something else to say about Captain America #25.

§ March 9th, 2007 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on Okay, so I do have something else to say about Captain America #25.

I’ve seen a few comments here and there admonishing retailers for not listening to Marvel Comics when they told us that we’d better order lots of copies of Captain America #25.

Well, sorry, but no.

1. If we jumped every time Marvel said “JUMP,” and bought into their hype, I’d be adding an new wing to the back room for all the extra unsold overstock.

2. We’d already ordered what we thought were plenty of copies. First, it was a Civil War tie-in, and for all of Civil War‘s many storytelling and scheduling problems, “not selling well” was not one of them. Second, it had two different covers, so we bumped orders up a little bit more to accommodate that percentage of customers who like buying one of each variant.

3. …And the one thing we did not do was order under the assumption that there’d be last-second real-world media coverage would drive the general non-funnybook-reading public to our store seeking out copies. That media coverage is the only reason this book sold above and beyond our (or anyone’s) expectations, and when we placed our orders two months ago, and when we had the opportunity to adjust our orders just a few weeks back, there was no way we could predict or depend on media-driven sales. Even if we’d been told that Marvel sent out press releases to every outlet in the world plugging this event, even that’s no guarantee of coverage. A silly puff-piece on funnybooks is very easily bumped for celebrity news, or arrested politicians, or, oh, I don’t know, a war in Iraq or something.

You know what you get when you order a comic based on the assumption of real-world media coverage? You get a back room filled with Adventures of Superman #500, that’s what.

The “Death of Superman” issue, Superman #75, was another example of retailers ordering what they thought would be plenty for their customers, only to be ambushed by last-minute media coverage that drove the masses to their shops.

So when it came time to order Adventures of Superman #500, the beginning of what was assumed to be the “return of Superman” storyline, retailers thought about what they ordered on Superman #75, thought about what they could have sold if only they knew that the news had some time/column inches to fill and gave them free advertising…and ordered accordingly.

Of course, by the time AoS #500 came out, the “Death of Superman” was old news, there was no media coverage…and while #500 sold relatively well to comic book fans, there was no panicked rush by the non-fans like the one #75 inspired. And, to this day, you can easily find copies of #500 in bargain bins across the nation.

On a related note, apparently common perception was that the first issue of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 8 comic was due this week, given the number of people I had asking for it. (Perhaps it did ship somewhere, but maybe Diamond’s L.A. accounts got the shaft again…I haven’t checked yet.)

Now, when we placed our initial orders for this comic, we placed what we thought were very generous numbers…easily five times what we were selling on Dark Horse’s previous Buffy series, and probably ten times more what IDW’s Angel series are selling. This was based on the fact that creator Joss Whedon was going to have a more direct hand in the series, and on how Whedon’s work on Astonishing X-Men has sold…

…And on the fact that, before we even placed the order, I started to have lots of customers ask me about it, and those with comic savers started adding it to their lists. That can (but not always) be a positive indicator of good sales.

Plus, a couple weeks back, there was a large article on the series in the L.A. Times, which bumped up interest even more. Granted, that kind of coverage is most effective when it’s actually during the week the book is released, but I’ve had a number of customers (some of them new) still talking about that article and how excited they are for this new Buffy series.

So judging from the extra interest in the series I’ve been seeing from our customers over the last few weeks, and judging from the number of people who came in Wednesday expecting the first issue to be out…I just doubled our orders on the comic with Diamond. It’s a risk, perhaps, but my direct observation of our clientele tells me that demand is high.

Compare with Captain America #25, which nobody asked me about until they saw it in the papers. I had a few customers comment on the rumors about Cap’s impending “death” ahead of time, usually in the context of “yeah, right, whatever,” which didn’t exactly fill me with confidence that the comic in which he did die was going to be the Best Selling Comic Book Ever. So, yeah, I saw nothing in the weeks leading up to this book’s release that pushed me to bump up orders even more than we already had.

Also, I find this interesting: the second issue of Stephen King’s Dark Tower is mostly just kind of sitting there. It’s selling, but not crazy-selling like the first issue did. Is it just overshadowed by the Cap hype? Did the non-comic-reading King fans already abandon the series, deciding just the first issue was enough to represent this particular endeavor in their collections? Do they just not know it’s out yet? Am I panicking about the loss of sales on this comic too early? (Probably.) It’s worth keeping a closer eye on, at any rate.

A little bit more about Cap, and then…something beautiful.

§ March 9th, 2007 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on A little bit more about Cap, and then…something beautiful.

So, following links to my post yesterday that I found in my referral log, I found a few people who, while being aware of current events involving Captain America, apparently thought “the ‘death’ of Batman” (even though I never said Batman was dead, only “defeated”) was real.

My favorite comment that I came across:

“I think the reason people aren’t realizing that this is a spoof is because spoofs are usually funny.”

Oh, damn.

A couple more things about the alleged death of Cap, before I let it go:

  • I may have presented it in the form of a rant, but I’m really not kidding when I said in yesterday’s post that I’ve encountered folks surprised that Superman was still around after his highly-publicized “death.” I know the exact same thing is going to happen to Cap, since most of the requests I’ve been receiving for the comic are asking for “the last issue of Captain America.”
  • That auction on the eBay I linked to the other day? The one for a set of both covers for #25 that was, at the time, bid up to 75 bucks?

    It ended for $200. Assuming that’s a real bid, and not just someone screwing with the seller.

  • We received word yesterday that Diamond Comics Distribution will be receiving a massive influx of copies of Captain America #25, which will be used to fill retailer backorders placed before early Thursday. So look for an equally-massive number of new listings for this issue on the eBay over the next week or two…along with a huge price-drop.

We received a giveaway comic this week, advertising the CourtTV program Til Death Do Us Part, each episode of which, according to the official site (warning: auto-playing video w/sound), features “a husband and wife whose marriage, despite its happy beginnings, inevitably leads to spousal murder.”

Here’s the cover:

…and you read the comic online.

The only reason I’m bringing it up is because the host of the show is John Waters as the “Groom Reaper.” That, my friends, is absolutely fantastic.

Okay, it’s not the greatest comic in the world, but it informed me that there’s a TV show featuring John Waters in a Rod Serling-esque role, and therefore succeeded in its function admirably. I may end up only watching the first five minutes and the last five minutes of each show, just for Waters, but that’s ten minutes more than I would have normally devoted to this show.

EDIT: Pal Dorian mentioned this TV show/comic a week ago, and I totally forgot. It’s been a long week, is all I can say.

Batman Defeated by Joker – Seven Decades of Superheroing Come to End

§ March 8th, 2007 § Filed under batman, death of superman § 5 Comments

NEW YORK – Batman appears to have finally met his match – at least for now – at the hands of his longtime nemesis, the Joker.

The caped crusader is unconscious, knocked out by one of the Joker’s nefarious traps, in the new issue of his namesake comic, which hit stands this Wednesday. At the end of the issue, the Joker stands triumphant over his fallen foe, leaving Batman with no chance of surviving whatever evil fate is in store for him.

It appears to be the end of a long run for Batman, created in 1939. Best known for the 1960s television adaptation, the character has also sold millions of comics and countless pieces of merchandise, making a great deal of money for the character’s publisher, DC Comics, and the parent company, Warner Brothers.

However, in the world of comics, a last-second triumph against overwhelming odds is not entirely unknown, and DC Comics president and publisher Paul Levitz said Batman grabbing victory from the clutches of defeat wasn’t out of the question.

Even so, the character’s shocking loss came as a blow to creator Bob Kane, or it can be assumed it would have, if Kane himself hadn’t died in 1998.

Across the country, fans have been clamoring for copies of “the last Batman comic,” catching retailers off guard due to the increased demand. “Honestly, I don’t see what the big deal is,” says Mike Sterling, 37, manager of the Ventura Fun Time Comic Book/Magic Card Store and Video Deli. “Villains always appear to beat the superheroes, just before getting their rears handed to them. It’s typical of the genre!”

Sterling continues, “Why in God’s name would DC put out a press release for this? It’s nothing special! It’d be like putting out a press release for every cliffhanger, every apparent character death, and every other usual plot trope that appears in superhero comics! It’s creating artificial expectations for a product that won’t be met!”

“Remember the ‘Death of Superman’ all those years ago? And all the hype around it? To this day, I encounter people who see the Superman comics on the rack and ask me, ‘Superman comics are still around? I thought he was dead.’ I just don’t see the advantage to convincing a public that’s barely aware of comics in the first place that your most recognizable, marketable characters are no longer being published, all for the sake of a storyline that’ll be resolved in, at most, a few months! What’s wrong with you people? Why are you buying into this?” At this point, Sterling was guided into the back room of the store for some quiet time.

In the comic book universe, defeat is not always final. But even if the Joker has finally defeated Batman once and for all, it’s not the end of the Dark Knight: the character will still live on in merchandise and movies and television shows, where the real money is.

File under "History, Repeating of."

§ March 7th, 2007 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on File under "History, Repeating of."

Current auctions on the eBay for Captain America #25.

Seventy-five bucks (as of this writing) for a set of both covers? Really? It’s the panic-buying of Superman #75 (“The Death of Superman”) all over again.

Check the prices again in a few months, once this storyline is over.

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