"Shazzam reminds me of Kazzam which was a terrible movie so i dont like it."
“Best and Worst comic book names”
“Ok i dont think this has been done before… But who has the coolest comic book name.
“Im talking about the most fitting and sharpest for a real person who had super powers.”
“Matter Eating Lad has to be one of the worst names ever.”
“Mr. Sinister would be better if it was just Sinister without the Mr. IMO. still like it though.”
“Shazzam reminds me of Kazzam which was a terrible movie so i dont like it.”
“Wonder Girl, or any name with girl or boy, in my opinion, smokes pole.”
“I def like Thanos… its evil, but at the same time godlike sort of greek/latin.”
“Sentry, the Golden Guardian of Good”, in my opinion, blows everything out of the water.
Greatest name ever!”“Sentries name only sucks because it’s (basically) Silver-age.”
“what about Galactus?
that name sucks”
And, well, you can’t really argue with this:
“But, the worst one is quite clearly:
Thor Girl”