§ June 18th, 2006 § Filed under green lantern Comments Off on THE RETURN OF KID CHRIS.

Yes, that’s right, former employee and star of stage and screen Kid Chris made a return engagement at our shop, filling in for Employee Nathan who’s currently out of town doing jail time visiting friends.

About that pic…I’d been joking at the store about doing a parody of this cover since we received those little plastic Green Lantern rings to coincide with the release of Green Lantern Corps #1 last week. Well, I finally found the time and the willing model to do so, so there you go. Frankly, however, I don’t think Kid Chris can do a menacing look. He’s more of a convivial evil.

Kid Chris and I did discuss potential endings for Marvel’s Civil War series, and cooked up the following possibilities:

1. The series ends when the previously thought dead Hawkeye returns, admonishing the heroes for turning against each other in this time of crisis. “Hey, man, what’s with all the bad vibes? Mellow out, dudes.”

2. It turns out the Marvel Universe is still in the House of M parallel reality created by the Scarlet Witch, and all the lost lives, revealed identities, etc. from over the course of the series will be reset once she’s defeated/subdued/whatever.

3. Reed Richards arrests everybody, claims that they’re all guilty, and announces “I’m gonna go home and sleep with my wife.” (Little Clue humor there for you.)

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