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§ October 12th, 2005 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on


back cover of The Comic Reader #193 (August 1981) – art by Mike Mignola

I was a fan of Hellboy creator Mike Mignola‘s art almost from the get-go, when I would see his art in various fanzines. His covers for The Comic Reader in particular are favorites of mine.

In which Mike gets an answer to a question he didn’t even know he had.

§ October 11th, 2005 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on In which Mike gets an answer to a question he didn’t even know he had.

So in perusing this site, I came across a link to “The Rules of Moopsball”, an HTML-version of an entry from the 1970s science fiction anthology Orbit 18. I first came across it in my local library when I was probably about 10 or 11 (so, let’s say, about 1980), and thought it was absolutely fantastic. It’s not a story, but rather a convoluted set of rules for a fantasy-oriented sporting event (think Calvinball with wizards).

Now, in the 1980s, several references to a sport called “Moopsball” were made in the Legion of Super-Heroes comics. I remember thinking at the time that this was either a coincidence, or perhaps an homage to the original 1970s “Moopsball.” I thought “homage” was less likely, because why would some superhero comic book use a random reference to (what I believed to be) a fairly obscure story from an old sci-fi anthology?

Well, more fool me, since the Moopsball website reminded me that the writer of the original “Rules of Moopsball” is Gary Cohn, who wrote a bunch of comics in the 1980s, including cocreating Amethyst and Blue Devil.

So there’s the comics connection…it likely was a homage.

Moopsball…of all the things I never expected to talk about on this site….

One of the entries I didn’t use on my Doctor Doom’s Top Ten Euphemisms for Sex list: “Governing the trembling toadies.” Yeah, that’s a direct quote from a Fantastic Four comic…I think Marv Wolfman was responsible for that one.

Anyway, thanks again to pal Dorian for helping out with the list…”besting Richards” and “allying with the Sub-Mariner” were his.

Speaking of pal Dorian, his recent list of unproduced action figures came from a discussion we were having at the shop last week, and I thought I’d comment further.

One, I know that DEVO figures were announced at some point, but I don’t know if they were ever released. This article mentions the possibility of figures, and it’s brought up in this interview, but otherwise the Googling is inconclusive. It seemed like it was a done deal a couple years ago…where’d they go?

Two, I don’t know if I really insisted on Deep Throat figures…but I think the action features would be amusing.

Three, I agree 100% on a David Bowie “Thin White Duke”-era action figure. Can’t you just picture it?

Four, I’m not kidding about Reanimator action figures. Why a Jeffrey Combs as Dr. Herbert West figure hasn’t been produced yet is beyond me.

Five, one of the unproduced action figure lines I mentioned that Dor didn’t was a line based on the proposed then aborted ’70s TV show revival of Star Trek. Trek is second only to Star Wars in molding little plastic figurines about of every…single…character…to walk across a screen or have a syllable of dialogue. I mean, c’mon, a Lieutenant Xon figure? What’s taking them so long?

Since The Killing Joke is going to be reprinted in this new edition of the DC Universe Alan Moore collection, I guess that means the original prestige format Killing Joke is no more. Which is a shame, because I can still sell the prestige format book, but it may be a harder sell as part of a larger, more expensive trade paperback. Better check with Diamond and stock up…if they’re not gone already. I also still have demand for Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?…again, I hope people looking for it are willing to dish out for a fat book filled with stories they aren’t looking for. And yes, I know all the stories are by Alan Moore, and therefore good readin’, but people who want just one particular story aren’t usually thrilled about buying a bunch of extra material just to get it. I saw it happen with the Dini/Timm Batman: Mad Love one-shot, and I think I’m going to see it again.

In happier news: Showcase Presents The House of Mystery. 552 pages of classic DC suspense comics. Fantastic.

Special guest star: THE DOOM BUTTON.

§ October 10th, 2005 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on Special guest star: THE DOOM BUTTON.

from The Incredible Hulk #220 (Feb 1978) by Roger Stern, Sal Buscema & Ernie Chan

I wasn’t going to post this panel, but it made me laugh, and it made pal Dorian laugh, and if it doesn’t make you laugh, that just means you’re afflicted with good taste.

Yesterday, at work, discussing the impending Infinite Crisis series with New Coworker Nathan:

M: “You know who I think is behind it all? Bat-Mite, that’s who.”

N: “Who?”

M: “Bat-Mite.”

N: “I have no idea who that is.”

M: “Wha–?

N: “Really, I don’t.”

M: “Wha–?

N: “Please stop making that noise.”

I can’t believe we hired a guy who doesn’t know who Bat-Mite is. We’re gonna have to work on the screening process a little more.

(Please note, in regards to the Infinite Crisis thing, that I’ve blamed Bat-Mite for a major DC event before. I have it in for Bat-Mite, apparently.)

Speaking of the forthcoming Infinite Crisis (due in funnybook stores this coming Wednesday), Nathan came up with an alternative to the “Golden Age Supes is behind it all” theory that pal Corey throwing around at the shop a while back (and, coincidentally, expounded upon by Devon at Seven Hells).

Basically, what if it is a character from one of the parallel universes discarded during the original Crisis on Infinite Earths, but not the Golden Age Superman?

What if it’s the pre-Crisis Superboy? Either that “Earth-Prime” Superboy that went off to a “better place” with G.A. Supes ‘n’ Lois at the end of Crisis, or the Pocket Universe Superboy that was created to explain the discrepancies between the Legion of Super-Heroes and the post-Crisis Superman (and is also dead, but when’s that stopped anybody in comics). Either one would probably be more…well, I guess the word is “expendable”…than the G.A. Superman, since making Golden Age Supes a villain may be too much for even DC (“he said unironically”). (Though Devon has a way around that, too.)

Ah, who knows. This sort of thing makes my brain go explody if I think about it too long. We’ll all find out in a few days, anyway. Presumably.

Someone disagreed with my Blue Beetle prediction (in which current Beetle-mania would drive initial big sales on a theoretical new series’ first issue, which would dissipate as soon as everyone remembered they really didn’t like Blue Beetle all that much in the first place) by stating that this didn’t happen for Firestorm (another old character that had been replaced by a new version).

Well, that comparison doesn’t really scan.

First, Blue Beetle was killed off in a high-visibility big whoop-de-whoop one-shot special kicking off the big DC crossover event. Firestorm wasn’t killed off, and his book reached the end of its lifespan, getting cancelled because it didn’t have enough readers to justify sales.

Second, the death of Blue Beetle set off a huge wave of “grief,” “disgust,” “annoyance,” what have you, with a lot of “but he was such a great character with so much potential”-type talk, mostly from people whose only exposure to BB was in decade-old Justice League comics, if that.

The cancellation of Firestorm, on the other hand, was met with a big…well, a big nothing, really. I’m sure somebody somewhere was really ticked off about it, but it was hardly a fandom cause célèbre like the current BB brouhaha is. (And yes, I realize the internet is a big factor in making the current outcry more visible than any potential outcry at the time over Firestorm…but trust me, there was no big outcry over Firestorm).

Third, my theoretical new Blue Beetle title would start up while the fan-guish over the previous BB’s death was still on everyone’s minds…i.e. “free advertising for DC.”

The new Firestorm series launched about fourteen years after the previous series was cancelled, and Firestorm had only the occasional appearance in random comics (like Extreme Justice or Power Company) from then until now.

And, lastly, the new Firestorm series is selling well, considering 1) it’s a different character as Firestorm and 2) it didn’t have the benefit of a huge event book leading into it (aside from the extremely-tangential Identity Crisis tie-in). It’s no record breaker, but it’s a solid mid-ranger, and given the lifespan of most new books from Marvel or DC, that’s success enough, I think.

So for the last few weeks, I’ve been trying to reorder the new Overstreet Price Guide with the Little Lulu cover, but the only one that seems to be available from Diamond Comics is the Iron Man cover. Maybe I’m just checking at the wrong times, but I guess I should be glad I got the Lulu-covered one for myself when I did. So, was the Lulu cover an incredibly hot seller, and thus always in short supply for reorders, or was it drastically underordered and underprinted, thus leaving little or no copies for later reorders? (Just a rhetorical question, actually.)

So, this cover:

Green Lantern #94 (April/May 1977) – art by Mike Grell

Okay, while the beardless Green Arrow is…intriguing, that’s not the reason I’m highlighting this cover.

It’s this:

Who among us couldn’t find a use for a Doom Button? I mean, aside from doing grievous harm to pretty girls in leotards tied to giant gears.

“Hi! I’d like to return a comic I may or may not have bought from you two years ago for a full refund, I don’t have a receipt, and I accidentally tore the cover off.”


“What do you mean, you won’t take my out-of-state non-prepreprinted starter check even though I don’t have any I.D. whatsoever?”


“I’d like to describe to you, in excruciating detail, every single hand of my last Magic: The Gathering match, even though you don’t sell Magic: The Gathering cards and shouldn’t be expected to have any interest in anything I’m saying.”


See, it’s a natural for store use. I can use one for my car, too.

(Of course, the tables could be turned: “I’m a weblogger that treats comic books and the comic book industry with about all the seriousness it deserves!” “DOOM BUTTON!”)

What is even going on in #6.

§ October 9th, 2005 § Filed under fantastic four Comments Off on What is even going on in #6.

And now, for no good reason whatsoever, and with the welcome assistance of pal Dorian, brings you…


10. “Unleashing the Doombots”

9. “Ruling the kingdom with an iron fist”

8. “Extending the power of Doom”

7. “Mastering the diabolical”

6. “Allying with the Sub-Mariner”

5. “Demanding total, blind obedience”

4. “Incurring the wrath of Doom”

3. “Penetrating the invisible force field”

2. “Paying for this effrontery a thousandfold”

And Doctor Doom’s number one euphemism for sex:

1. “Besting the accursed Richards”
Updated 4/2017

§ October 8th, 2005 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on


from The Comic Reader #99 (July 1973) – by Carl Gafford

The joke is on you.

§ October 7th, 2005 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on The joke is on you.

(by request of Jay in Tennessee)

The Ha-Hacienda, your online guide to all things Joker-y.

An absolutely terrifying Joker painting.

An index to the Golden Age appearances of the Joker.

“The Joker from TV’s Batman Giclee Print!”

Here’s a bio and interesting pic for the Joker from the fan-written alternate Batman history, “Ghetto Batman.” (Don’t blame me.)

The Joker is somewhere in this collection of Batman: The Animated Series POGs.

Joker robot!

Batman movie Joker Kubrick! AAAAAH!

WARNING – SELF-LINK: I discuss the ending of The Killing Joke (under March 4th – may need to scroll to it), and how it can be read as the death of the Joker. (This previous version of a Wikipedia article on The Killing Joke had included a huge chunk of that post of mine in the body of the article. It’s since been removed from the current version. I’m still in the Brian Bolland article, though!)

The Joker loves his Hostess Cakes! (The last panel of this ad is actually laugh-out-loud funny.)

Batman versus the Joker, Hembeck-style.

Seems like every comic book character has been adapted to the Hero System role playing game, and the Joker is no exception.

I don’t know who brought this to our attention first, but here’s a good overview of the “Joker’s Boner” comics that swept the internet a few months ago.

And as long as we’re on the topic….

An image of Conrad Veidt from The Man Who Laughs – said to have inspired the Joker’s appearance.

The Cesar Romero Tribute Page features a photo gallery with images of the actor as the Joker on the ’60s Batman TV show.

A synopsis and review of the Joker: Last Laugh crossover mini-series.

The Silver Age Batgirl and Joker action figure set is reviewed.

“Who created the Joker?”

Joker Micro-heroes.

You The Man Now presents – Lex Luthor and the Joker. This kills me…if you visit no other link in this post, you must see this one.

§ October 6th, 2005 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on

Well, if you didn’t buy your copy of Absolute Watchmen yesterday, you go right back to your funnybook store today and get your copy. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Got it? Good. Now enjoy the heck out of it, because it’s the best thing that came out this week.

A very close second is this year’s edition of Bart Simpson’s Treehouse of Horror, reuniting Swamp Thing creators Len Wein and Bernie Wrightson on a parody of their creation…

…”Squish Thing.” Pick it up…tell ’em Mike sent you. (Oh, and there’s a Dracula story by Marv Wolfman and Gene Colan, plus work by some other guys like, oh, say, John Severin, and Angelo Torres, and Mark Schultz, and Al Williamson…you know, no one you’d be interested in.) Honestly, though, the folks at Bongo Comics outdo themselves every year on their Halloween specials, and every one of them is chock-full of talent and worth picking up.

John Severin drawing the Simpsons. Fantastic.

Also new this week is the Trencher trade paperback from BOOM! Studios, which I mention here because 1) it’s Keith Giffen, for pete’s sake, and 2) our store was…intimately involved in the production of this item. No, not like that, we all kept our pants on, but we helped deliver that baby! Um, perhaps I could have phrased that better.

I’m already sick of this Spider-Man: The Other crossover series, and all we’ve seen so far is the sketchbook.

So, earlier this year, as part of DC’s ongoing company-wide retooling, the character of Blue Beetle was killed off, as you may have heard. And, as what usually happens when a second (or third) stringer character is offed, suddenly he became the Most Beloved Character Ever, and everyone bemoaned the senseless waste of a character so full of potential.

And now, Mikester of shall predict…THE FUTURE!

2006: DC Comics announces a new Blue Beetle series, reviving the concept with a new character (or, perhaps, a previously established but otherwise currently unused one) in the title role.

Because of the publicity and apparent outpouring of love for Blue Beetle following the character’s death, interest seems high in this new series. Interest may be especially high if said Blue Beetle relaunch spins out of the best-selling Infinite Crisis series. Retailers order good numbers, and when the issue finally comes out, it sells very well. It may even possibly sell out, requiring a second, or even a third, printing, all with different covers, and so on.

Sales remain relatively strong for a few months, possibly still riding the post-Infinite Crisis buzz.

Then, once the fallout from Infinite Crisis finally settles down, and the new status quo of the DC Universe is established, most of the people buying the new Blue Beetle series will realize, “hey, you know what, it turns out we actually didn’t like the Blue Beetle that much after all.” Sales drop, retailers cut the book down to Breach or Arana or Doom Patrol numbers, and the book is finally put out of its misery in mid/late 2007.

And that’s pretty much it for the new Blue Beetle. Well, aside from a cameo in 2008’s Sue Dibny: Rebirth.

It looks like a couple spam sites made it onto the Comics Weblog Update-A-Tron 3000. DARN YOU SPAM! (“Spam” as in the unsolicited internet content, not the delightful and versatile meat product.)

The observational powers and racial sensitivity of Green Arrow.

§ October 5th, 2005 § Filed under green arrow, racial sensitivity Comments Off on The observational powers and racial sensitivity of Green Arrow.

“You’re Black Lightning, aren’t you?” Well, duh.

By the way, G.A., I know you meant it only as a diminutive version of Black Lightning’s superhero moniker, but you may want to rethink the nickname…someone might take it the wrong way:

Way to bail on Black Lightning, too, G.A. “Oh, this is your fight, I’ll just be…well, I’m busy that night, sorry, man.”

(from World’s Finest #259 (May 1979) by Denny O’Neil, Dick Dillin & Frank Chiaramonte)

§ October 4th, 2005 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on

So it’s finally happened…I’ve been suckered into rebuying a movie on DVD that I already own on DVD, just for the special features. The movie in this case is Star Trek Nemesis, which I had bought the first time because…well, lemme ‘splain.

The initial release of the Star Trek films on DVD were bare-bones editions. Your special features were pretty much “sound” and “color,” and maybe a trailer, and that’s it. Had I been an early DVD adopter, I probably would have picked those up as they came out. However, by the time I got around to getting a DVD player for myself, most of them had already been released, and the general feeling that I picked up from various news sources was that new editions with extra material would eventually be released.

And, sure enough, they were. Two-disc sets were released for each film, a few months apart, in the same order they were released in theatres, with tons of bonus features for each flick. (My favorite bonus is probably the text commentaries that “pop up” as you’re watching the film.)

Well, Nemesis came and went in the theatres, as a week after its debut Lord of the Rings came along and demolished pretty much every other film in release. The DVD for Nemesis came out shortly thereafter, and unlike the other initial DVDs of the previous films, this one did have extra material: deleted scenes, director’s commentary, even an extra bonus mini CD-ROM with computer goodies. I figured, “hey, they won’t need to do a special two-disc edition…they got everything on it the first time!”

Yeah, I know, that was a stupid thing to think. I should have realized that having all the films except one in the two-disc “special collector’s edition” format was going to irk some fan somewhere, and that Paramount was eventually going to have to put one out anyway.

Well, they certainly did. I have it sitting on my desk, right here next to the computer as I write this. Comparing it to the old DVD, it looks like all of the special features from the first disc are on the new set, assuming the director’s commentary is the same (which it certainly must be). There’s also an extra commentary track from Rick Berman, and the aforementioned text commentary, plus more behind-the-scenes documentaries and such. I don’t know if there’s going to be any focus in the extra features about this film being a franchise-killer or not (the film itself wasn’t bad, really, and I think at this point more people think Enterprise killed the franchise anyway)…I don’t imagine so. (Unless the director mentioned it in his commentary…I never did get around to listening to it.)

Yeah, I know, this isn’t really about comics, unless I want to make some tortured comparison between this habit of some studios to release enhanced versions of DVDs released only a short time ago, and, say, “director’s cut” versions of comic books that come out only a couple weeks ago.

But I think I’d rather go watch the DVD instead. I’ll let you know how it is!

§ October 4th, 2005 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on

Hey. Hey, you. Matt Maxwell has moved his weblog from the Blogspot address to Update your links accordingly, or punishment will ensue.

Speaking of Mr. Maxwell, the man doesn’t just talk about the funnybooks, but he writes ’em as well. He was good enough to send me a preview ashcan of his forthcoming series Strangeways, the cover of which is off to the right, there, though you can see a nice color version at the official site.

The one-line description for the comic is “werewolves in the old west,” and it’s the latest in the western/horror cross-genre wave. The story here is essentially setting up the situation for the series — light on plot, heavy on mood and action — but it works fine as an introduction to the characters, as well as to what may be the werewolf’s motivation for his attacks. Maxwell’s dialogue is sharp and to the point, pushing the narrative along with an economy of words and a good dollop of suspense. The art, provided by Luis Guragna, reminds me in a way of a more rough-hewn Steve Bissette and John Totleben from their Swamp Thing days: dark, moody, scratchy and heavily textured.

The first issue will be out in November at your better comic shops…look for that Steve Lieber cover.

In other news:

Kevin Smith gets an account on Ain’t It Cool News — entire nerd-web gets sucked into resulting black hole.

I’m still answering questions, though I think I’ll keep it to that original comments section for the time being. So ask away, darn your eyes.

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