Hey. Hey, you. Matt Maxwell has moved his weblog from the Blogspot address to Highway-62.com/blog. Update your links accordingly, or punishment will ensue.
Speaking of Mr. Maxwell, the man doesn’t just talk about the funnybooks, but he writes ’em as well. He was good enough to send me a preview ashcan of his forthcoming series Strangeways, the cover of which is off to the right, there, though you can see a nice color version at the official site.
The one-line description for the comic is “werewolves in the old west,” and it’s the latest in the western/horror cross-genre wave. The story here is essentially setting up the situation for the series — light on plot, heavy on mood and action — but it works fine as an introduction to the characters, as well as to what may be the werewolf’s motivation for his attacks. Maxwell’s dialogue is sharp and to the point, pushing the narrative along with an economy of words and a good dollop of suspense. The art, provided by Luis Guragna, reminds me in a way of a more rough-hewn Steve Bissette and John Totleben from their Swamp Thing days: dark, moody, scratchy and heavily textured.
The first issue will be out in November at your better comic shops…look for that Steve Lieber cover.
In other news:
Kevin Smith gets an account on Ain’t It Cool News — entire nerd-web gets sucked into resulting black hole.
I’m still answering questions, though I think I’ll keep it to that original comments section for the time being. So ask away, darn your eyes.