And why wouldn’t you count The Simpsons?
Funnybooks, ahoy! I didn’t get a whole lot this week (unless you count the Simpsons Season 4 DVD set, which finally shipped from Diamond), but I did get the new issue of Flash, with a nice Michael Turner cover, for a change; Luba’s Comics & Stories #4 by Gilbert Hernandez…remember, Los Bros Hernandez = quality entertainment; The Stuff of Dreams #2 by one of my favorite cartoonists, Kim Deitch…more insane faux comic strip/Waldo/old film history as found via eBay; Superman #206 (I am enjoying it, but it’s paced even slower than a Brian Michael Bendis comic, if you can believe it); Hellblazer #197 (homeless amnesiac John Constantine finds himself in the clutches of a religous cult…hasn’t this happened in Hellblazer before?); and Batman Adventures #15 (a story that’s sympathetic to the villain, and doesn’t show Batman in much of a good light).
I’m also trying out The Gray Area…I like John Romita Jr.’s art, but usually he isn’t drawing anything I want to read. However, this story (about a policeman stuck in an afterlife limbo) seems like it might be interesting…I would have preferred that they lost the gratuitous sketchbook pages and the prestige squarebound format and dropped the price a couple bucks, but What Can You Do? (Yeah, yeah, I know, “not buy it.”)
Also bought Mark Evanier‘s latest collection of essays, Superheroes in My Pants — illustrated as usual by the always excellent Sergio Aragones. There’s a lot of space devoted to the late Julius Schwartz, which is understandable. I’m a big fan of Evanier’s writing…light and enjoyable and very informative…so I’m looking forward to this book.
In other news:
Totally stolen from pal Reid: a comic strip adaptation of Douglas Adams’ first Dirk Gently novel. Enjoy it before the lawyers find out!
Pointed out to me today by pal Dorian: an object of pure horror.
Only a couple days left to send in your entries to The Street Angel Squid Contest. Get crackin’ there, Sparky!
EDIT: Forgot to mention that the Alan Moore action figure came out today.