I came across this months-old discussion of aborted DC Comics projects that I found interesting…and one of the items discussed, the New Teen Titans graphic novel Games by Marv Wolfman and George Perez, is, after all these years, back in production. If only the same would happen to, say, Joe Kubert’s Redeemer, but how likely is that, at this point.
Further discussion of Alan Moore’s proposed DC crossover series (and alleged Kingdom Come inspiration) Twilight can be found here. And here’s a brief mention of Rick Veitch’s proposed King Hell DC crossover series – in Spanish.
Then there are those series that got cut off midstream…like Mike Baron and Barry Crain’s Sonic Distruptors (only other site with anything of significance is here – where he also mentions that he can’t find any sites on the series) – I seem to have a very vague memory of a blurb in an Amazing Heroes news column suggesting that the series would be concluded in a graphic novel by Baron and Mike Mignola. Which, of course, didn’t happen.
Andy Helfer and Kyle Baker’s Shadow series is another famous example of runs cut short…probably because the owners of the Shadow had heart attacks when they saw what was done to him – take a look at the last cover for the best example. I thought it was a hoot, myself. And, once again, my aforementioned vague memory seems to tell me that a wrap-up graphic novel by Helfer and Baker was announced as well…my guess is that it never got past the “no way are you going to be allowed to do that!” stage. Oh, well.
(And this has nothing to do with comics, really…but I found this page during my Google searches, and goodness, how old is that Quicktime logo?)
[…] this series was mentioned in one of my site’s earliest posts…specifically, my vague recollection that a one-shot wrapping up the story was announced. […]