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§ November 24th, 2016 § Filed under thanksgiving § 6 Comments

I’m thankful for a lot of things this year. I’m thankful for my friends and family, for my girlfriend and my parents.

I’m thankful my store has made it past the two-year mark, and I’m thankful for all the customers who helped me reach that milestone.

I’m thankful I finally have a new and reliable vehicle.

I’m thankful for my Patreon supporters…that’s helping quite a bit.

I’m thankful for all my readers, who helped me keep this silly website going for so long.

I’m thankful for all the pals I made as a result of doing this site, which even eventually led me to participating in writing an actual honest-to-gosh book.

I’m thankful my pal Bully, the little bull stuffed with stuffing, has resumed his own site.

I’m thankful for comics, without which probably none of this would have happened. Well, okay, I probably would have had a car, regardless. And parents. And maybe a girlfriend.

I know there are a lot of things going on right now to not be thankful for, but reminding ourselves about the things we are thankful for can help bolster our strength for dealing with whatever troubles are ahead.

Just…everyone, be thankful for each other, and remember that you aren’t alone.