It was great that it was ultimately an umbrella-wielding granny who took down the obnoxious Sammy Hagar the horrible. There should be a follow-up video of Trump as Sammy’s cellmate whining and bloviating that “you can’t deprive 45″…or maybe that could be an idea for a Weird Al parody project…
Happy Birthday, Mike! I hope you get time for a vacation from more than just posting here.
Happy birthday, Mike! I hope you have a great day!
Happy birthday Mike!
Happy birthday, Mike!
— MrJM
Happy Birthday Mike. Glad you were born.
Happy Birthdays all around!
Anyone else notice the outfits Sammy & the band are wearing look a little like superhero costumes?
also, this Vid should be paired with “Breaking The Law” by Judas Priest!
Happy Birthday, Mike!
I wonder if Sammy Hagar will release a follow-up song, “65 Feels About Right.”
It was great that it was ultimately an umbrella-wielding granny who took down the obnoxious Sammy Hagar the horrible. There should be a follow-up video of Trump as Sammy’s cellmate whining and bloviating that “you can’t deprive 45″…or maybe that could be an idea for a Weird Al parody project…
Happy Birthday Mike–don’t drive too
Happy (belated) birthday Mike!
Like Sean says, keep it Double Nickels on the Dime!
RIP D. Boon
Happy Birthday my old friend. I hope everything is well in your world. Miss you lots.
Happy belated!