
§ March 13th, 2024 § Filed under old § 12 Comments

Just in time for the U.S.’s National Maximum Speed Law to change to 65 MPH in 1987, here’s Sammy Hagar’s 1984 hit “I Can’t Drive 55.”

And also wish a hard-rocking birthday to my special internet pal, Andrew.

12 Responses to “55.”

  • Michael Grabowski says:

    Happy Birthday, Mike! I hope you get time for a vacation from more than just posting here.

  • Thom H. says:

    Happy birthday, Mike! I hope you have a great day!

  • John Maurer says:

    Happy birthday Mike!

  • @misterjayem says:

    Happy birthday, Mike!

    — MrJM

  • ExistentialMan says:

    Happy Birthday Mike. Glad you were born.

  • Snark Shark says:

    Happy Birthdays all around!

    Anyone else notice the outfits Sammy & the band are wearing look a little like superhero costumes?

    also, this Vid should be paired with “Breaking The Law” by Judas Priest!

  • Mike Loughlin says:

    Happy Birthday, Mike!

    I wonder if Sammy Hagar will release a follow-up song, “65 Feels About Right.”

  • Sean Mageean says:

    It was great that it was ultimately an umbrella-wielding granny who took down the obnoxious Sammy Hagar the horrible. There should be a follow-up video of Trump as Sammy’s cellmate whining and bloviating that “you can’t deprive 45″…or maybe that could be an idea for a Weird Al parody project…

    Happy Birthday Mike–don’t drive too

  • LouReedRichards says:

    Happy (belated) birthday Mike!

    Like Sean says, keep it Double Nickels on the Dime!

  • Sean Mageean says:


    RIP D. Boon

  • Pal Cully says:

    Happy Birthday my old friend. I hope everything is well in your world. Miss you lots.

  • Benjamin Diehl says:

    Happy belated!