This site could have been solely a “Death of Superman” blog, you realize.
So reading digital comics paid off…by getting a special print edition as a prize! I subscribe to DC Universe Infinite, DC Comics’ online digital library, which comes in handy when I need a scan from a DC book not in my possession, or when I want to, say, reread a bunch of Animal Man without trying to figure out where my copies are in my currently-in-disarray Vast Comics Archives.
Specifically, I subscribe to the “Ultra” level, giving you wider access to DC’s library, along with special offers and freebies…like this free variant edition trade paperback of the 30th anniversary edition of Death of Superman with art by Ivan Reis:
And here’s the back cover…note, no UPC code or cover price:
Inside the front cover, which I didn’t scan here because doing so would likely screw up the book, is a text introduction thanking recipients of this item for being DC Universe Infinite Subscribers, ballyhooing that this edition is exclusive to said subscribers, how great the digital service is, etc.
The book itself contains, in case you can’t see it on the second scan above, the original “Death of Superman” story from the ’90s, plus the Newstime magazine one-shot (the in-universe Newsweek/Time news magazine), and the Day of Doom mini from the early 2000s. There are also several pages at the back, including images of the original art, photos of related promotional material and merchandise, sketches, and even a nice clear shot of the editorial whiteboard used to plan out the story (that I posted blurry pics of way back when, pulled from a DVD extra feature).
For some reason I was under the impression that this was going to be a variant for the recently-released 30th Anniversary Death of Superman Special. But this is nice too.
On a sad note, Pat, AKA “Jungle Kitty” of the Star-Trek-Especially-William Shatner “Look at His Butt” podcast, passed away recently. I have been a fan of the show since it first came to my attention back in 2006, even appearing as a guest on one episode. As such I always had a special place in my heart for this show and JK and her partner in Trek-crime Lene, and it’s hard to imagine that we won’t be getting any more of their shared discussion on the franchise.
It honestly was one of those cases where you tuned into the show and it sounded like you were just having a friendly and funny chat with your friends about stuff you really liked. I wrote a more extensive tribute to her and the show that Lene will be reading on the next, and likely final, episode of the podcast, so I won’t repeat it all here. But I can definitely say I’ll miss hearing her voice and her passion for all things Trek.
So long, JK.
I’m so sorry about the loss of your friend.
— MrJM
Y’know, instead of scanning the inside front cover you could’ve taken a picture. I never scan the interior of a book/comic to avoid any chance of damaging it–I take pictures now. My 2022 phone takes a better image than my 10-year-old printer/scanner anyway.
“I subscribe to the “Ultra” level”
Named after the Ultra-Huminite, presumably.
Death sucks. ❤❤❤
Snark Shark:
I loved the run in All-Star Squadron with the Ultra-Humanite–issues 21-26, with amazing Jerry Ordway/Mike Machlan art to boot!
honest question – is the DC Universe a lump sum and you get to read everything on the site… or is there a lump sum and then pay per book? I can’t imagine it’s the former, how could they afford to do that (or is the ‘catch’ that you have to wait six months to see something? no biggie for me – I still wait the two months for Disney/Pixar/Marvel movies to show up on D+)
Sean: “I loved the run in All-Star Squadron with the Ultra-Humanite–issues 21-26, with amazing Jerry Ordway/Mike Machlan art to boot!”
Nice! Ordway’s pretty great!
“I still wait the two months for Disney/Pixar/Marvel movies to show up on D+)”
i wait til I find free DVDs randomly. I just found Guardians of the Galaxy 2 the other week, and Pirates of the Caribbean this week!
“Pirates of the Caribbean 2” that is.