I could only get “Ojo Saltón” in Google Translate by splitting the name.

§ February 6th, 2023 § Filed under popeye § 10 Comments

So Reader John sent along a weird item from his own Vast Comics Archive, feeling that I’d be a good home, or at least a home, for this 1974 release. Identified as “Popeye L-2″ on the indicia, this is an educational item for both Spanish and English readers:

This is the front cover:

And here’s the back:

The Grand Comics Database entry calls this a “flip-book,” which it isn’t, really. The front and back covers are both oriented in the same direction, and the pages don’t suddenly turn upside-down halfway through necessitating turning the whole book over to start reading from the other side. The book just reads straight through, with this intro on the inside front cover:

Then you get this story (reprinted from Charlton’s Popeye #96 from 1969, first in Spanish:

…then in English:

…along with other short strips (in both languages) and vocabulary tests and such.

I’ve got to say…I’ve never seen a copy of this. The GCD entry says there are other comics like this from King Features…issue #L-1 is Beetle Bailey, for example.

Anyway, this is a neat item, so big thanks to John for sending it my way!

SPECIAL BONUS: yet another straight-on look at Popeye’s anatomically improbable face:

The pipe doesn’t go in your nariz, Popeye!

10 Responses to “I could only get “Ojo Saltón” in Google Translate by splitting the name.”

  • John Lancaster says:

    I forgot to mention that I do also have the Blondie, and Beetle Bailey versions as well – but sorry no duplicates on those. I have them filed with the corresponding Charlton issues in my runs. Blondie is even sexier when speaking Spanish.

  • Sean Mageean says:


    Is Blondie still called “Blondie” in the Spanish version of the story–or is she called “Rubia” or “Güera”…?


    It’s interesting that Popeye’s “Arf, Arf, Arf” laugh isn’t left intact, that Swee’Pea is renamed “Cocoliso” (bald head), and that Popeye’s trademarked “Blow Me Down!” gets altered to “¡Por Neptuno!”–but he is a sailor, so it’s a decent alteration. And Popeye does look stylish in a sombrero!

  • Thelonious_Nick says:

    I can honestly say I would have learned Spanish far faster in high school if I’d had this item at hand. Que ayuda para aprender espan~ol!

  • MisterJayEm says:

    As someone who’s trying to learn Spanish, I’ve been on the lookout for Spanish-language comics written at a grade school level, but have had very little success.

    Funny books like this would be a godsend.

    — MrJM

  • JeeJay says:

    Using ‘Popeye’ dialogue to teach English!?!?

    “Has ya gone”…
    “Yer kin”…
    “Is ya”…
    “I yam”…
    “Ya is gonna”…


  • John Lancaster says:

    Sean- I really don’t remember, it’s probably been 30 years since I’ve actually looked at.

  • Mikester says:

    JeeJay – That is a good point.

  • will richards says:

    In italy he’s known as Braccio di Ferro which means ‘Iron Arm’, which seems way more appropriate. I seems ta remembersk a parody featuring Squinteye the Sailor (again, more appropriate than Popeye?), but can’t recall which comic that was in.

  • Mikester says:

    will richards – Squinteye popped up in Cerebus Jams in a story by Dave Sim and Terry Austin.

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