Sorry pals…was going to have an End of Civilization post ready for today, but I had a small eyeball issue and decided the less time in front of the computer monitor, the better. Hopefully I’ll have it up later in the week. Thanks for understanding.
In the meantime, I hope you join me in mourning the passing of Chadwick Boseman. My condolences to his family, friends, and fans.
All the best on your eyes. Seems like this will just not go away. Hang in there. I will light a candle for you…
I recently purchased BLACK PANTHER on DVD; when I saw the news of Chadwick Boseman’s passing, I put it on this past Sunday. When you take into account that he was fighting cancer as his T’Challa was fighting Killmonger, Boseman is all the more amazing.
He will be missed.