“Destruction of the Comic Book Universe” is a pretty good name.

§ June 26th, 2019 § Filed under watchmen Comments Off on “Destruction of the Comic Book Universe” is a pretty good name.

So there I was, just searching the term “comic book” on the Amazon Music app, as one does, when this came up:

Now I realize this may not be new to some of you, but given that my musical awareness pretty much had an expiration date of sometime in the early 1990s, this 2015 release from Jahmbi featuring a design inspired by Watchmen was a surprise to me.

Their Facebook page describes their sound as “METAL (Experimental),” and you can see just how experimental by trying a sample here. You may want to keep your speakers turned down low until you can gauge the volume of what is about to ensue.

Anyway, just one more thing to note in the ongoing list of strange Watchmen ephemera.

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