
§ April 1st, 2019 § Filed under eyeball, low content mode § 8 Comments

Third time’s the charm, with any luck, and today should be my final of a series of eye surgeries…barring complications, of course! It’s just a routine procedure, so they tell me, and I should be up and around and back to work tomorrow, and with any luck I’ll return to my blogging shenanigans here on Wednesday. So, think good thoughts about my eyeball and I should see you soon…with both eyes, finally!

8 Responses to “Eye-yi-yi!”

  • Walaka says:

    Good luck, Mikester! I had a dream recently that I had a chance to visit your store in person again, and that you had put up a wall to make it smaller. Very confusing. But the floors looked great! Anyway, here’s to a rapid (and final) recovery!

  • ArghSims says:

    Really glad to see you tweeting already! You were a brave man to let them work on you on April Fool’s day.

  • Rob Staeger says:

    Good luck and speedy recovery, Mike!

  • Allan Hoffman says:

    Good luck Mike!

  • Allan Hoffman says:

    *looks at Mike’s twitter feed* Is…is that the same shirt you wore for your previous eye surgery? Do you have a lucky eye surgery shirt?

  • Dean says:

    Keep your eyes on the prize, Mike!

  • ExistentialMan says:

    Thinking good eyeball thoughts and hoping your eye surgeon gets more than a two-star rating!

  • Pal Cully says:

    Good luck, Popeye