I am going to be nit-picky here, but to me “early John Byrne” means his fanzine work (if you were involved in comics fandom in the early-mid 1970s, you saw Byrne everywhere), or else his Charlton work, and none of that bears the slightest resemblance to the page in this post.
Hey, your Tweeter feed on the side gives me another chance to play the old man, as I note that I actually saw THE GREEN SLIME on its original theatrical run. I was young enough to be terrified by it–and memories of that keep me from now finding it ridiculous as you young punks do.
@Mike: Yes, that’s definitely part of it. The thick-lined inking on the main figure, plus something about the dynamic angles. Especially when you look at the hikers in the background.
And I might not be remembering Byrne’s earliest stuff (like his Charlton work), but maybe from early Fantastic Four? Alpha Flight? Anyway, this picture reminded of something like that.
1. Awesome.
2. I don’t have the art vocabulary to express why this is exactly, but Kirby + Ditko is reminiscent of early John Byrne.
3. At last it can be told!
I am going to be nit-picky here, but to me “early John Byrne” means his fanzine work (if you were involved in comics fandom in the early-mid 1970s, you saw Byrne everywhere), or else his Charlton work, and none of that bears the slightest resemblance to the page in this post.
Hey, your Tweeter feed on the side gives me another chance to play the old man, as I note that I actually saw THE GREEN SLIME on its original theatrical run. I was young enough to be terrified by it–and memories of that keep me from now finding it ridiculous as you young punks do.
@Turan: Thank you, I guess?
Turan, Thom – I don’t know, I can kinda see how that would look a bit like early Byrne work. It’s got sort of that same…roughness, I think!
@Mike: Yes, that’s definitely part of it. The thick-lined inking on the main figure, plus something about the dynamic angles. Especially when you look at the hikers in the background.
And I might not be remembering Byrne’s earliest stuff (like his Charlton work), but maybe from early Fantastic Four? Alpha Flight? Anyway, this picture reminded of something like that.
Don’t worry Thom H., I see it!
Although I must say, cavemen with blonde hair look like hookers to me…