I may have spent a good chunk of my weekend scanning Harvey Comics for eBay.

1. Okay, that better be non-alcoholic cloud beer.
2. And if it isn’t…surely Wendy wouldn’t be drinking and broom-flying, setting a horrible example for young witches everywhere.
3. Why is Casper drinking? What good that does him, unless he likes having a bunch of brownish liquid visibly sloshing around inside him given the previously established semipermeability of ghost skins in the Harveyverse.
4. Hold on, maybe that’s just brown water coming from dirty clouds. Ew.
5. What’s holding that spigot in place? And don’t tell me “magic” — I demand scientific rationality from my comics starring a dead boy and the youngest member of the coven.
Meanwhile, Richie Rich is basically just daring the poor of Richville to rise up:

“Richie, please, can I have just a dollar? I’m so hungry.”
“Ha ha, oh Freckles, you’re so funny. But seriously, all this money…! What to do, what to do.”
Worst-case Casper/Wendy Scenario: Casper drinks “beer” and it races thru his ghostly stomach/digestive tract, emerging as ghost pee out his seated self, which permeates thru the cloud, into the mug Wendy is filling, which she then hands back to Casper in a never-ending Sisyphean scatalogical ritual.
Circle of Life, Paul Di Filippo. Circle of Life.
— MrJM
Last panel brings up my memories of this:
“It’s like you probably haven’t eaten for days and here I have a giant tub of money and that doesn’t affect our friendship at all!”
Anyone else disturbed by the fact that Caper is SITTING DOWN and the spigot is essentially right under his butt?