Presumably he gathered moss despite himself.

§ September 3rd, 2015 § Filed under swamp thing § 8 Comments

So I just picked up a big ol’ stack of Famous Monsters of Filmland, and put it right back down again because it was so heavy. I’m still in the process of stripping off the awful, awful bags and their gooey taped flaps (don’t use tape on comic bags, c’mon people) and throwing them on the eBays, but to the surprise of surely nobody who has read this comics blog for any period of time, I’m hanging onto this issue:

Haven’t had much time to do more than just flip through the issue, but I did want to note that while the tagline right there at the beginning of the Swamp Thing article is okay:

…the header they used as a section break within the article is a thing of sublime beauty:

Well played, writer for the May 1982 edition of Famous Monsters of Filmland…well played, indeed.

8 Responses to “Presumably he gathered moss despite himself.”