Wes Craven (1939 – 2015).

I know there’s no shortage of more impressive and better remembered films the man was responsible for, but, by God, Wes Craven brought Swamp Thing to the screen. Sure, the film may have its issues, and may have taken the occasional liberty with the source material, but it works anyway and I still am quite fond of it. And Roger Ebert liked it too, so there.
So long, Wes.
Man, Wes Craven gone? Cinema won’t be the same. Ditto when we finally lose Roger Corman. Whatever other faults Wes had, he did a lot of great work.
You’ll probably know all of these already but there is a nice set of ST images up over on: http://thedorkreview.blogspot.de/2015/08/robs-room-thanks-wes-craven.html