If I had the means, I would just spend my day paying artists to bring my every Swamp Thing whim to illustrated life.
So Spider-Woman now has a new costume, discarding most of her yogawear in favor of a jacketed look, leading into some spirited superheroes-in-jackets discussion on the Twitterers. Of course, in my usual “not helping in the slightest” method of participating in the conversation, I decided to post this:

Proving that no annoying deed goes unrewarded, longtime blogging compatriot Chris Karath responded with this Twitter post:

…accompanied by this illustration created specifically for the occasion:

Well, well, I do believe we have the next iteration of the New 52 Swamp Thing right before us. Ball’s in your court for the relaunch, DC, even if you feel the need to add the collar.
Remember when Milo Manara drew (haha drew) that gross Spider-Woman cover and someone used a 3D modeler to try and make a representation of what she must have looked like in 3D space?
Someone now needs to do that with the Spider-Man Unlimited card on there, cos there is something really upsetting happening in that picture.