Progressive Ruin presents…not really the End of Civilization.

§ November 14th, 2014 § Filed under End of Civilization § 2 Comments

Yeah, I’ll probably be back into the End of Civilization swing of things next month, but I didn’t want this month to go by without noting these goodies from the November Diamond Previews, like the Batman Retro 1966 TV Series Tied-Up Action Figures on page 445:

As a wise man once said…oh, wait, that was me…”this is a fetish for someone.”

Oookay, there, Boy Wonder, simmer down.

Then on page 514 is this parade of Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver-esque items:

…which just goes to show you that there’s nobody who says “no” in the BBC’s licensing department. However, I suspect this is reassuring to folks who know their weird nephew is really into that TV show about the British guy and his magic flying box and there will never be a shortage of things to buy him for those various gift-giving occasions.

…Though those same folks may hesitate a bit at this Doctor Who wristband on page 515:

…which apparently commemorates that one time the TARDIS farted.

Ah, Progressive Ruin…come for the incessant plugging of the shop, stay for the classy jokes. Thanks, everyone, and good night! Tip your waitresses!

2 Responses to “Progressive Ruin presents…not really the End of Civilization.”

  • LondonKdS says:

    For people who are puzzled, “VWORP VWORP” is the official sound effect for the noise the TARDIS makes in licensed comics.

  • Doug says:

    Is there a Batgirl version of the Tied-Up characters?

    I’m asking for a friend.

    Although I guess I…er, he, wouldn’t need the rope to recreate the Siamese Human Knot.