There is no way on God’s green Earth this is going in my mouth.
It has been almost literally decades since I’ve last seen this item, but my memory of the sight of it has been with me all this time. And now, here it is again, after all these years, recovered by Ralph from one of the boxes in his office, is the Batman-Colored-As-Robin-More-or-Less blue plastic whistle:
Don’t know anything about it, don’t know how old it is (probably from the ’70s, if not earlier), no idea how much it’s “worth” (everyone asks me if it’s expensive, I’m guessing “no”), but it’s certainly dirty and the stickers (one on each side) have seen better days.
This is almost, but not quite, proto-Batman of Zur-En-Arrh merchandise.
Those garish colors kind of undercut Batman’s “creature of the night” stealth act.
You weren’t so picky about what went in your mouth at that rest stop last weekend.
But that ancient Heath Bar was all the vending machine had.
It’s probably best that you make one of the store employees blow it first, just to be on the safe side.
“That’s what SHE said…”
Oh, wait…
I feel like I’m missing some subtext here.
I feel like I’m missing some subtext here.
No mention of Man-Thing on the latest of Agents of SHIELD? Lawks!