“Hi Father.”
“Listen, son…you were out all night. Where were ya?”
“That’s cool. Listen, do you want to smoke a doobie with your old man?”
“No thanks, Dad. It’s 10:15 in the morning!”
“Your loss.”
“I’ll split it with my lawyer!”
And back at you, fellow 313 baby!
Smoke one for me old man. Here’s to many more.
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a really great one!
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Day, Mr. Sterling!
Happiest of birthdays, but did you have to reveal that you’re actually younger than me. *crumbles to dust* *blows away*
Happy happy birthday, Mike! I ate a cake in your honor.
Ahaha, those days of uncertainty being 45.
Happy birthday Mike! ROCK ON
Did Swampy stop by the shop to offer ya’ some tubers? Oh wait. That was five years ago! Happy Birthday, Mike.
Happy birthday Mike! I hope it’s been a great one!
Happy birthday, Mike!
Just think of it as halfway to 90.
Happy birthday, sir. I hope you and your beard had a grand time!
Happy belated birthday, Mike!
Do what I do when you smoke that doobie, and blast that John Williams score!
For the record “End Title” from Superman was what I was thinking. But basically anything over 4 minutes by the man works!
That sketch was much funnier twenty years ago for some reason. Anyway, belated happy birthday from a fellow 45.
A Happy (belated) Birthday.
I was wondering why a 45 year old would have such grey hair (I mean… I’m older than that and I’ve only recently grown in some greys here and there), but now I just figure… he must work in a comic shoppe (Zing!).
Still, Happy Day to you!
Happy Birthday! Long May You Reign!
Also, hip/cool/45 should team up with Doug’s cool date from The State:
I’d like to congratulate you on your continued survival.
Happy birthday. You’re hipper, you’re cooler, and doggonnit, more people like you.
Otis, do you know the significance of the number 45? It’s my age and your I.Q.
Sorry. My March was…difficult. Belated happy natal day.